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Kidnapping Clarification

wDs. KillerBob The Anal Av

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So... Recent events now have me a little confused.


Here is the hypothetical situation.


Player Kidnapped Steve.

Player brings Steve to the kidnap area but Steve Wakes up before Player is able to put Steve into a cage.

Steve starts walking around Players base.

Player Claims that since he kidnapped Steve, he has to do what Player tells him to do or it's FailRP and he will call an admin.

Player starts demanding Steve to get in the cage.


Does Steve have any obligation to stay in Players base? 

Does Steve have to willingly go into Players cage?


From what I have always been told, you aren't obligated to do anything for your kidnapper except for:


Pay Ransom

 - OR - 

Wait the 5 minutes so kidnapper has to free you.


 - UNLESS - 

The kidnapper never finished kidnapping you. (waking up before you are placed in a cage)



DO NOT counter actions before getting involved. For example,asking a kidnapper to release your friend otherwise you might counter the action

Max Kidnapping Time: 5 minutes

Knocking people out and not kidnapping them is not allowed, when you knock someone out you must attempt to actually kidnap them



Kidnapper Rules


Basic Description: You kidnap people and make them your slave.


Raid Heist Kidnap Mug Base Megabase

  • Alien Race can Raid and Heist if all three are together

Jobs in this ruleset:


  • Cultist
  • The Silent
  • Alien Race

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If I have to clarify this to anyone ever again, I am going to Mass RDM my school.








Now, on to the actual explanation:


No, he does not have to do anything the kidnapper says. The kidnapped player doesn't even have to stay inside of the base.


Let me try and clarify what you can and can't do when kidnapped:



What you CAN do:


  • Disobey a kidnappers commands
  • Attempt to escape from the base
  • Interact with entities around the base (eg, taking money from printers)
  • Anything that doesn't fall under a rule or the don't category, being kidnapped is practically the same rules of the game, just trapped in someone's home.

What you CAN'T do:


Doing any of these actions is punishable under FailRP.


  • Spawn props or entities (without the permission of the kidnapper)
  • Access your inventory
  • Find a way to kill yourself before the 5 minute countdown is over

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If I have to clarify this to anyone ever again, I am going to Mass RDM my school.



You grabbed this from my advert bind!


No, that meme has been around longer than you've been playing here.


Ur life is like a dead meme, eat some more carrots.










































JK luv u

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If I have to clarify this to anyone ever again, I am going to Mass RDM my school.



You grabbed this from my advert bind!


No, that meme has been around longer than you've been playing here.


Ur life is like a dead meme, eat some more carrots.










































JK luv u


Wow savage.

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