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How to stop a server crash [Semi-Satire]


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A server crash is usually due to the server lagging from too many unfrozen props colliding at the same time.




So, what do you do if the server starts lagging?


*moderator 1 raises his hand*


"OH I KNOW! I take out my remover tool and I---"


*Blacnova cuts him off*


"Shut the fuck up."


*moderator 2 speaks up*


"Well, should we type !ban insertspammernamehere and the---"


*cuts off again*


"Too late server crashed"


*moderator 3*


"I KNOW THIS, do /logs and check prop spawn logs and then---"


*you know the drill*


"Get out."





All of the methods listed are WRONG.




The real method to stop a server crash is listed below.


1. The server starts lagging. Type !nolag in chat. I suggest you make a bind for this. The console command would be exactly:


bind "say !nolag"


2. Open console (default is `) and check to see if anyone is spamming unusual props (don't take action for plates, cubes, store front templates, and other common building props).


3. When the spammer has been found, eg. xXxHornymemerxXx, kick them.


4. Next, retrieve their steamid from connection logs.


5. Finally, ban them for as long as you can, then contact a higher up to permaban them.


Now, this would not stop a DDoS, but hey, at that point it's not your fault, and those are pretty rare.



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