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New guns have to much recoil

CuddlyKraken @Twitch

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I think there is definitely room for reduction, I aimed down the sights in all of my tests and my results are above.


Like I said, this isn't call of duty, not every shot is going to hit somebody.

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Goddamn it Stalin this isn't Russia, Not every shot should hit I know that. (Gun owner myself -.-) But, the spread shouldn't be that wide is what I'm getting at. 


heck the AR15 is 223/556 theres VERY LITTLE recoil coming from that muzzle, Where as an AK47 is a 7.62X52 I believe (Correction: 7.62X39), and through experience it has alot more recoil since it is a bigger round. 


Could we maybe agree on making a list of the newly added weapons and reducing or maybe even adding recoil to certain ones?

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I honestly agree with glaze...


I don't want this server to turn into a Call of Duty type DarkRP server.


Even though, we aren't quote on quote "SeriousRP" server, but having a lot of aspects to make it more serious makes the server a lot more enjoyable rather than a fuck fest.

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I honestly agree with glaze...


I don't want this server to turn into a Call of Duty type DarkRP server.


Even though, we aren't quote on quote "SeriousRP" server, but having a lot of aspects to make it more serious makes the server a lot more enjoyable rather than a fuck fest.


I can Agree with that, I guess I'm more of a realist. 


So from what I know about the new weapons the Recoil was default 0.5, which Tits changed to 1. That being said I'd now say at most reduce it t 0.75. That way it's not brutally low, but it is a bit easier to deal with.

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