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Confussion on rules?

Canadian Array

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So I was playing and I wanted to go downtown near the pd to buy a gun but this hazmat guy had blocked the part of the road off to make a "checkpoint"

At the time I didnt know there was another way around and I was in a bit of a rush so I was trying to take the fastest route.

I (Verbally) warned the hazmat guy 3 times giving him roughly 20 seconds to move. But he still wouldnt let me through so finally I decide to shoot him and kill him.

He reports me for rdm and geanie takes the sit, I explain what happen and they said because there was another way around and I didnt have to kill him it was rdm. Which seems totally unfair because I followed the rules, providing 3 verbal warnings and plenty of time to move before I took action.

Geanie warned me for rdm which seems false because I killed him after warning him.

I was curious if this was indeed a false warn I hope an admin or sugartitties could shed some light on the situation.

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Thanks, I generally wouldnt make a big dealĀ out of it but I havent been warned before because I like to follow the rules and have fun, I just found it odd how I've been killed for this reason and told it's not RDM which is fine, because I understand the rules better now.

I just think he was being unfair as I asked for him to get another mod (I actually asked for wanternearby by name) and he refused to get me a moderator.

I only asked because he's a T-mod. thanks to both of you!

I gotta get that 0 warning clean record back.


So I checked who actually warned me and I should have mentioned this before hand, but flufflyseal actually warned me but him and geanie were both in the sit with me and they both refused to let a full moderator step in.

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