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Custom Classes idea./Preset custom classes

187th that guy with the gu

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The majority of custom classes are raider classes with a few cop classes but I just thought of something, what if we made more types of custom classes. Or made some preset classes that people can pay like 5$ or 5mil in game to have access to it.


This is what I mean;

1. A dealer custom class. A custom dealer class would be able to sell anything from drugs to pills, to bmi's and pretty much anything all the other dealers sell.


2.  Custom musician job. Spawns with all music sweps and can buy all music sweps.


3. Master pick pocket. Doesn't mug/raid/base/ only has a fast pickpocket that can steal up to 10k at a time with a smaller cooldown. (should be aos on sight)


4. (this one would be for a group of people so maybe a vip job for this but) maybe a zombie job, where everyone who is the job becomes one of the zombie pillz and basically goes on a killing spree by adverting "zombie apocalypse" with a like 20 minute cooldown.


5. Custom stalker jobs; like you get to be an overpowered stalker just for the heck of it, maybe get an invis cloak, a drildo, camera, elastic restrain, handcuffs even (with out the fine ability) and can sell them into slavery (maybe make a slavery system).


Idk I just thought of these. but like if I paid in game/irl $ for one of these custom classes could it become a thing?

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