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The servers situation

Salted Seabass

Should Titties rp get a map change??  

9 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Titties rp get a map change??

    • Yeah the current map sucks ass
    • No the current map is hella nice
    • I don't give a fuck

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Am I the only one who realizes that thread after thread after thread about map changes that the final product is the same?


It's a solid "No" to sum it up in one word.


The longer bit is that it would remove the playerbase who look for this specific map, it would change what we're listed under and when a majority of players on gmod are way more interested in something they are familiar with, they're more likely to join.

I personally love rp_downtown_v3 and rp_bangclaw, but those maps are never used because nobody else is interested, if you all have such a massive hard on for a new map, you can play on another server for the map.


This server has things to offer that no other can and there's things other servers can offer that this one can not, if a map is such a major importance to you, than we can't offer that.


It really is with familiarity and the community. I was on my high horse to ban the guy since it wasn't entirely fair but every post that comes out of his mouth is always about how the server isn't what it was before, how evocity was the best update besides the leveling, how the map is shit and how we need to change maps now or the server is going to die and talking so much shit in the chatbox. We had this discussion 90 times. To save myself from typing the same essay over and over again either look at my previous posts on the matter or think about it like this.




Give 100 random people a choice of an apple or a dragon fruit. 80%+ pick the apple because they are familiar with it and know what it really is and it's the safest option. The other 20% give or take will take the Dragon Fruit because they are either familiar with it or like it more than the apple or by the super low chance that they will take the risk and dive in.


Unless you pick 100 random people from a dragon fruit convention, they will always pick an apple. Hence why the map cannot change. We have done it 10+ times and every single time it has failed. With weeks and months of preparation, it has always failed. The next time we try it won't be any different. Yes, every other map is fun. Yes every other map is most likely going to be a breath of fresh air but it won't work because people do NOT like change. If you think it will, send me $40 so I can open a second server on your requested map and we will both see how it will remain at 0 players 24 hours a day.

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The other 20% give or take will take the Dragon Fruit because they are either familiar with it or like it more than the apple or by the super low chance that they will take the risk and dive in.


I like Dragon Fruit.

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It's not really my business or anything but I don't think he deserved a ban for a suggestion.


I was on my high horse to ban the guy since it wasn't entirely fair but every post that comes out of his mouth is always about how the server isn't what it was before, how evocity was the best update besides the leveling, how the map is shit and how we need to change maps now or the server is going to die and talking so much shit in the chatbox.


Every mod is also messaging me saying how he is adding them and saying how in 6 months he is going to come back and say the same exact thing unless the server is "fun" again.


If you don't find the server fun, don't play on it or offer a suggestion to make it more fun or w/e. If your suggestion is to change the map over and over again and then when you get really upset when everyone gives valid reasons not to do it..why are you here. Nothing has changed. People get burnt out from GMOD and when you say the server eats ass just because you don't like it and you can't provide a reason besides "it's not fun anymore" or "I hate the map" then what are you doing.


Think about it rationally. What have I changed that "drove" people like you away? Adding a gang system? Adding an event's system? Adding more weapons? Improving FPS? Adding more features such as stocks, CP menu, handcuffs, boomboxes? Fixing broken addons and dedicating at least 4 hours a day almost every day to this server?


If your answer is "yes, you adding and fixing stuff drove me away" then...I don't know what to tell you.


More reasons why I went off to just ban him

https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=2656&page=3 -- Complaining about how he hates the server

https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=2651 -- Complaining about how much a map change would fix everything

https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=2393&pid=13595#pid13595 -- Complaining for getting banned for advertising a CSGO link in the shoutbox every 5 minutes


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Firstly, just wanted to remind you about sorting the cc editor. Secondly, the blundergat can't be found in the editor, at least for me. Lastly, the light saber is listed as $5 on the cc editor, but purchasing it coated $10, I was hoping this could be fixed so that I could try out the $10 items. I guess these are more like fixes than suggestions, thanks for reading.


Oh woops. I wrote this without realizing it wasn't the suggestions thread XD

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