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Why maps impact FPS

Communist Lizard

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Recently a map change has been a hot topic, somewhere in one of the threads sugar asked how much we valued our fps because a switch to evilmelon they would drop, im gonna explain to you why

alright so on maps theres rendering zones AKA what Your Pc is rendering in real time you think it would be something similar to this right:|





Right? that seems the logical so it must be the way its done WRONG


its more like this





AKA whenever you play on a server with Downtown_v4c_v2 your pc is constantly rendering every single thing that is happening on the server, its rendering ever little prop,every person,boombox,every calculation across the entire map and its like that on all of the Rp_downtown maps

and now your thinking, so? if its already like that what does that have to do with changing to evilmelon?

well in simple terms evilmelon is fucking huge compared to v4c_v2

AkA you could Be at the bottom of the map on evilmelon and be rendering every single thing that happens across the map, in the sewers, inside every house,ETC.


AKA a map change in the current state of the server(boombox,cars,custom sweps with janky hooks) a switch would litterally be FPS server not to mention the playerbase would die faster sonic masturbating

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