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Aeolus (Envy KennyS)


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Aeolus is an active member in the tits-rp community, he's always on the server and many of you may have become his friends. I just wanted to warn the community that this individual may be more sinister than meets the eye. Aeolus plays the game Counter-Strike Global Offensive, as many of you know in this game there are "skins" (weapon camouflages) that can be sold for steam wallet money, or with the use of other cites real money can be made. 


The Counter-Strike trading community is notorious for scams, these people use a variety of methods many of which are explained and publicized in this video made by Anomaly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-SbRxu2ryQ.


I've recently taken a peek at Aeolus's profile only to find some major tell tale signs of a scammer. I will walk you through all of them and explain.


1. While it looks like he has good credibility do not be fooled, all of the +reputation comments on his profile are fake and done by friends, they're also all within the last week.


2. Take a close look the +rep by Kita, here he states "+rep Experienced trader, traded my items for working steam wallet code xD" And if you don't know steam wallet codes are a popular scam in the trading community, search around the web and you'll find thousands of video's dedicated to this threat.


3. If you take a close look at his inventory it's empty, he has no skins worth more than 1$ and certainly not enough to have earned all of the +rep comments.


4. Even if he did trade for those skins, there are no skins in his inventory so he would have had to sell them. Right? Well who the fuck would use a steam wallet code (steam money) to trade, then sell the skins for steam money that's taxed. He would lose money by doing this and it would be pointless.


5. One more thing to prove he's a liar, look at the screenshot of our conversation, "I don't play csgo anymore" yet he last played 2 days ago.


If Aeolus requests a trade with you or any other member in the tits-rp community please warn them about the undeniably high risk that he will attempt to scam. 


Screenshots: https://gyazo.com/bd6f7c3be6ce9205a93d330249d85caf







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I have no clue why this is even on here first off why does this concern you randomly looked at my profile saw my +rep and messaged me and called me a scammer. I honestly could care less if you call me a scammer but why are you posting this on a hole different game forum page do you not have something better to do?

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I have no clue why this is even on here first off why does this concern you randomly looked at my profile saw my +rep and messaged me and called me a scammer. I honestly could care less if you call me a scammer but why are you posting this on a hole different game forum page do you not have something better to do?


The way I see it the people of the community you play in should know of the scummy activities you take part in, the scamming community is cancerous and I feel that the people around you should be warned.

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