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  1. #Banned B) You assumed I wasnt cool, so now ur banned (PS im jk, your not banned ;3 DONT TELL ANYBODY) Did you just assume I was cool?
  2. Yea cause no one wants to just lose 1.5mil or more it wouldn't matter if we got are in game money back and just lost your swep from are class. Well scamming for in game money is allowed.
  3. So we just lost all the money we spent to get permission to get the swep on are custom class? That's what he said m8
  4. What a scammer good thing I don't play csgo nice find.
  5. Cw is a huge file and could effect server performance. downtown sewers is a great idea but sugar has said plenty of times that a map change would kill the server.
  6. Add in dat boi's unicycle http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=686708045&searchtext=Unicycle
  7. AmazonPrime


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