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Map Change For Evil Melon


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I think we should have rp_downtown_evilmelon_v1 the map because lately the playerbase has been on a slow decline, Sugar I know you consantly are saying that you do not want to change the map because it will kill the playerbase, but honestly I think our playerbase needs a map change more than anything else. Like you can’t mega base because either you are blocking off trees, rocks or a NPC. We need a bigger map. Also We can have a real bank that adds more RP Situations and the server is called Titsrp | 40+ Jobs | Heists | FastDL It will actually bring out the heist part of the name. it also has sewers which add a lot of RP Situations. Evil Melon also has a big Pd and a good jail also there is a real vault in the pd. It also adds in the option to add cars and boats in. As a gun dealer there are way better shops in evil melon. Plus all of the secret hatches make it a lot more fun. Say you are getting raided and you know you are going to die you can hide in the hatches and hide your printers. There is also the bigger hotel so it gives room for a new job hotel owner. You can actually spread out all of the rocks/trees/chems around the map and add more of them. Because the map is so big you could actually use the swat sniper. There are actual alarms in the bank and shops that alert the cops which would replace the house alarms because no one wants that thing stuck in their door and it wouldn't look good on a bank door. There  is also a camera in the pd so you can see around the city so cops would know if someone is getting raid or if to go. You can move the armor and hp station to inside the hospital so it is more realistic I mean if you break a leg would you go to the PD or the hospital. There are also a lot more places for you to base instead of basing at the same place over and over.



New Jobs That Could Be Added Because Of Evil Melon

  1. Sewer Monster - You can kill anyone in the sewers with your longsword.

  2. Bank Manager - You can store people’s printers in the vault.

  3. Bank Guard - You guard the Vault with your pump shotgun.

  4. Hotel Owner - You rent out rooms for money.

  5. Hotel Guard - You make sure the people in the hotels stay safe and pay rent.

  6. Mechanic - You fix cars that break

  7. Prison Guard - You make sure no one escapes prison.

  8. PD Bank Guard - You guard the PD vault with your pump shotgun.
  9. DJ - You work at the Nightclub and mic spam music. Or play it on your radio.
  10. There is probably more but i couldn't think of anymore

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We used to go on evilmelon and we switched like 4 times. It just didn't work out.


We can try the advanced evilmelon that we tried last summer, but we would need every staff member and non-active staff member to be on so that it will attract new players, etc.


You can't just say "let's change map" and not even hop on the server for a good while so that it'd attract new players.

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We used to go on evilmelon and we switched like 4 times. It just didn't work out.


We can try the advanced evilmelon that we tried last summer, but we would need every staff member and non-active staff member to be on so that it will attract new players, etc.


You can't just say "let's change map" and not even hop on the server for a good while so that it'd attract new players.


If we had post of the year, this is it.


Listen I am legit a broken record at this point. Even if you 20 people per say said "Yes, I would like to play a new map". The whole REST of the playerbase doesn't have a vote on it, that's a lot of unaccounted votes and it will seriously just stick the knife in harder.


If all 20 people that voted yes did exactly what I did each and every day which is idling on the server for 10 hours+ every single day then it probably wouldn't be as bad.


Plus Evilmelon has some serious shit frames. If you thought playing with checkers and that new boombox was bad, welcome to 30 FPS everywhere with players on + multicore rendering. Plus no one plays on it which would make it 10x harder to even attract a player. Everyone hates downtown, I know, I never actually wanted to switch to it but Morins did and we didn't even know that it was the map that everyone played on. We are the minority. The people with a voice are the minority. The majority of people stick their thumbs up their arse and don't like change, period.


Switching to a new server host that can sustain 4 other servers + take the load off a lot of things, give 1 week notice? Nope

Switch to EvoCity where I said each and every little thing that I was doing with the server and gave a month notice? Nope (This is a special case. Mainly because people got RDMed while loading in and didn't run to the ATM)

Swapped the map to a downtown extended version with over 100 votes out of 250 votes? Nope

Switch to Evilmelon to just switch because we thought it was better and it was because of a thread like this? Nope

Attempt to make the server a little bit more serious because it's what I wanted to do? Nope


I am usually wrong. I am not a smart man but every single time that I know the playerbase will drop, I have always been right. I want to be wrong, it's better to learn something than to not learn anything at all but a map change will seriously kill the server. Like I said, it's a last resort if the playerbase actually gets that bad. I am not prepared to give up almost 2 years of work but shit happens if the time comes prematurely.


You also have to understand that the playerbase dropped because it was at the end of it's cycle. New people come in, old people leave. Notice all of the older people who left right after the update? A member of the community will join the server regardless of the playercount. A normal player will only join if they think the playercount is high enough to have fun. No normal player wants to join a server with 1 person on it. No normal player wants to join a server with 10 people on it, 20 people on it, maybe not even 30 people on it. When someone joins the server beforehand, when it has a low amount of players, they are the real people who deserve everything.


This whole ordeal isn't about the content, the rules, the map or anything. It was just a bad time to switch I guess and I made too much of a choice to go that way where we have been ever so slowly recovering. I say give it more time. We don't need a bigger map if we are maxing out at 40 - 50 players daily. Our normal playercount is around 25 - 30 right now and it's better than what it was a few days ago. If you don't want to see the server die then join the server. Even if you don't want to play..just join it and I swear that a whole new playerbase will join. Did you notice that every single player is brand new? Besides our mods, we have a lot of new players in the server compared to a few weeks ago.


I hold to my word that I didn't change anything to make this happen and if I did then let me know. Everything you do is optional. People who complain that there isn't RP and all you do is raid people are the people who play as custom classes. How do you expect to RP as a thief job? Your sorry ass of an excuse just means that you're waiting for other people to come on and RP so you can raid them. Go on any other server and tell me there is a lot of RP. Go on any other server and tell me you don't just build a base, make drugs and have money printers. Go on any other server and tell me that making money isn't the purpose of the game. We have a suggestions forum for a reason. If you think something can seriously ramp up the fun then post it and I will seriously consider the pros and cons. All of the suggestions aren't gamechanging and they never will be because people HATE that.


Everything I make for the server is optional for a reason. People hate being forced to do things which ties in with the whole map change.


That was an essay I was not expecting to write but please for the love of god stop suggesting a map change. Everyone hates it but the second you change it and don't commit to playing on it, the second it dies and I revert it back to downtown, like it has always been. The minority wants change, the majority hates it but the majority keeps the server alive.


Again, if you want a map change, get at least 200 votes and the playerbase is constantly below 20, will look into it. I am not going to change the map for the 20 people who said "pls change it, me have fun" but even then, when the playerbase dies for good and switching to downtown doesn't revive it, that's when I make a closing statement that says


I told you so


Edit: I seriously am down for what ever you guys want. If you guys end up being the remaining last few that actually play on the server then I will change it but you just have to trust me that this will not only finish off the server but it will actually end it. As of right now, we are holding on by a thick thread. It's not a thin thread but a rather large thread. Don't complain that there are no players on the server when you don't play yourself. Hop on and I 100% grantee a million other people will follow you. (or atleast a few)

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