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Map Change

Helen Keller

Which map would you like to change to?  

19 members have voted

  1. 1. Which map would you like to change to?

    • EvoCity v33x
    • Keep Downtown v2
    • Evilmelon

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I'm not saying the player base will come back automatically when we change the map, I think it'll bring some more people who are active on the forums and the community instead of the current random 12 year olds playing for a day then attempting to mass rdm

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If I am gonna be honest I dont see a point in changing the map now if you want to see the playerbase drop be my guest but changing the map now will result in us losing a good amount of our playerbase. Also today we had hit a solid 20-30 players and atm we still are within those 2 numbers. So in my opinion it was just because of the fact that it was the Fourth of July. So until we get the playerbase up to what it use to be I dont see a point in changing the map. And besides the new additions to the server are great,fun,laidback, and just hilarious. There is so much more to do now(Kinda) and I think that this new feel will draw in more players. But that is just me. So to conclude I dont want to change the map yet however the map I would like to see and I would assume other people support me on this is EvoCity or maybe EvilMelon but evilmelon I would be kinda sketchy about but that is just me.

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2 outta 17 people don't want a map change, I wonder if Sugar will listen to the players or just keep the map


It's not listening to the players if only 15 people want a map change in general. You're gonna have to have a massive uprising to get the map to change. That's going to be the last resort in an attempt to get players back before I just say fuck it and shut it down.


As of right now, I am not changing maps. Thread closed.

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