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My god...


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What. The. Fuck.


What is all this new cancer? I'm supposed to be banned but I can still visit lmao, I'm looking at these new jobs, updates, and conversations, it's absolute aids. Just bring it back to the server from my "era". It was so much more fun at that point.


It's actually cancer right now, I'm running around on the server and I can't stand it, it's beyond cringy and super irritating how retarded the server has become...

I understand that you guys think that making the server more autistic will fix your player issue with fun, but it won't...


It's so aids to the point where people don't won't want to play anymore, the retardation with the jobs and new implementations are actually overwhelming me with cringe.

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The server is sort of boring right now. All you do is walk around> do nothing >  make a base > print money. Unless you are a cop then its more like walk around > do nothing > fine or arrest someone. 


There needs to be more side activities and I think the things in this change log might be the fix to this dark cloud above the server

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I don't really know who you are but you're probably banned for a pretty good reason. I am taking these actions because people seem to not say anything until I bring it up. I am always willing to listen to the community and do what you guys want. At the end of the day the players have a say in what to do but I have to fucking pry this information out of you every time a situation gets really bad in the server. If people want stupid shit, I will give them stupid shit. It goes against my whole thought process of making an older DarkRP server but w/e floats your boats.


You're saying the server is beyond cringy at its current state. Why? Because you're banned or something?


You're also saying how retarded it is now but this is beyond the least retarded it's been (besides tomorrow's update), care to explain why?


You're also saying that when you played on the server, your "era" was fun. If you're Hops then in your "era" there was nothing but drama 24/7, bitching, complaining and holding hands.


Also from Bzerk's comment it seems that nothing has changed from the server. I have said it many times before where this game is about raiding. The RP aspect is non existent and you people like to complain that it doesn't exist when it never ever has. It's always been about who can raid who, who can kill who, who can make the most money. I tried added a progression system. I tried making the forums more appealing, I tried making it easier for people to get a head start, I have tried adding an RP aspect for every job, I have tried doing a lot of things but as you can tell from Bzerk's comment


"All you do is make a base and print money."  that everything I have tried adding into the game doesn't appeal to anyone.


What more do you want from a Side Activity? There is WHOLE crafting system, parcels, a bounty system, a gang system that has a whole progression system to compete with other people, earn perks to become stronger, you can make meth, unbox stupid shit, wear clothes, plant weed, do drugs. I would place a bet down and say that we have A LOT more content that most servers and still run the server with insane framerates and with insane performance.


Every job besides a PD and Raider is a side activity. Being a custom class limits you to only being a raider or a cop.


Again this is all information that never comes out, people never say anything until I basically say "What do you think" and then ticks something off in people's heads that says "Okay, he asked. I can now reveal what I think"


Edit: It also seems that the poll on the MOTD says the exact opposite of what people want. Now I am seeing a lot of "The event system would fix this issue of nothing to do" but like what about everything else I have added since April. Has and would everything be better off by just reverting absolutely everything? Old rules, old jobs, old everything? I probably have a backup but if you really want to see "cancer" I can bring you guys back to what we had before.

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Can we not go back to the "old" ways....


More like....


"Change" and "Addition"


I actually think Bzerk is 100% right..

Just like all the other threads, we need fun and more exciting things to do, but not to the right of breaking all role-playing.


For example, (even though this is not a suggestion thread):

  • Add Chess and Checkers (We know it uses a lot of CPU, but this actually encourage interaction with players)
  • Add an event that brings 2 gangs to admin zone and they dual and last gang standing wins an exp boost. <- Of course they would have to scale according to some gangs having more players
  • When the mayor says does lock down -> CP can arrest anyone on the street and All Thief jobs can KoS All CP. <- Lock down is kinda useless 

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I would like it if your reverted every bring to EvoCity without the crafting and leveling. Tbh everyone says new maps kill the server but when it came out everyone said they left because of how retarded it was to level up and how you had to build shit, like weapons, and guns. The reason why people just walk around like bzerk said is because there is nothing appealing to do anymore in my opinion and a lot of other people's opinion. EvoCity was a huge map and people liked exploring it and stuff, but the only thing people can say about the current map is, "This map is ugly and kinda small". So I don't get why we have to have the most over used Garry's mod map. There isn't a point in rping when you can rp on the other hundreds of servers with the same map. So if anyone on the server wants to rp, rip that idea. If you like having death matches this is the perfect server for you.

P.S. If anyone doesn't agree with me it's as Sugar says, "w/e".

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I would like it if your reverted every bring to EvoCity without the crafting and leveling. Tbh everyone says new maps kill the server but when it came out everyone said they left because of how retarded it was to level up and how you had to build shit, like weapons, and guns. The reason why people just walk around like bzerk said is because there is nothing appealing to do anymore in my opinion and a lot of other people's opinion. EvoCity was a huge map and people liked exploring it and stuff, but the only thing people can say about the current map is, "This map is ugly and kinda small". So I don't get why we have to have the most over used Garry's mod map. There isn't a point in rping when you can rp on the other hundreds of servers with the same map. So if anyone on the server wants to rp, rip that idea. If you like having death matches this is the perfect server for you.

P.S. If anyone doesn't agree with me it's as Sugar says, "w/e".


Here I will pitch you a question. What was appealing before? What was different before? It's all the same shit. You log in, build a house and make printers. What did you do before that was like "Wow, this server is super cool, I am never doing the same shit every day!"

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I really think we should experiment with a map change. It could be a small map change such as downtown v4 or maybe a big change like EvoCity.


I personally love both of those maps but sugar says it will kill the playerbase. And maybe he is right because he has tried it before.

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On evocity I never did the same thing every day, I had many different options. On the servers current state there isn't a lot that can entertain for a long time period. Why do you never play on the server Sugar? Oh I remember you saying you didn't like it. If I recall tho I remember you basically playing everyday day because it was fun. Tbh I'd play more on tits if it wasn't so bland and boring. So many people play and take long as breaks because tits gets boring. I'm not bashing on tits but in my opinion Evo had many more appealing and fun things. If you listened to people at the time, they didn't like the leveling or crafting but instead of getting rid of those you got rid of everything. So like I said, Evo was awesome. Being a cop was fun, making the dank mush, fishing to I guess lmao, raiding a cool bank, just cruising around. So sugar what did you like more, Evo or the server now?

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