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Update On Gangs + Few Questions


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(think of the sewers and the extra RP!)

Actual argument will be provided later, I'm currently moving house


I think we should have rp_downtown_evilmelon_v1 the map because it has been getting crowed. Like you cant mega base because either your blocking off trees, rocks or a NPC. We need a bigger map. Also We can have a real bank that adds more RP Situations and the server is called Titsrp | 40+ Jobs | Heists | FastDL It will actually bring out the heist part of the name. it also has sewers like Frisk said which add a lot of RP Situations. Evil Melon also has a big Pd and a good jail also their is a real vault in the pd. It also adds in the option to add cars and boats in. As a gun dealer their are way better shops in evil melon. Plus all of the secret hatches make it a lot more fun. Say your getting raided and you know your going to die you can hide in the hatches and hide your printers. Theirs also the bigger hotel so it gives room for a new job hotel owner. You can actually spread out all of the rocks/trees/chems around the map and add more of them. Because the map is so big you could actually use the swat sniper. Their are actual alarms in the bank and shops that alert the cops which would replace the house alarms because no one wants that thing stuck in their door and it wouldn't look good on a bank door. Their  is also a camera in the pd so you can see around the city so cops would know if someone is getting raid or if to go. You can move the armor and hp station to inside the hospital so its more realistic I mean if you break a leg would you go to the PD or the hospital. Their are also a lot more places for you to base instead of basing at the same place over and over.

New Jobs That Could Be Added Because Of Evil Melon

  1.  Sewer Monster - You can kill anyone in the sewers with your longsword.
  2. Bank Manager - You can store peoples printers in the vault.
  3. Bank Guard - You guard the Vault with your pump shotgun.
  4. Hotel Owner - You rent out rooms for money.
  5. Hotel Guard - You make sure the people in the hotels stay safe and pay rent.
  6. Mechanic - You fix cars that break
  7. Prison Guard - You make sure no one escapes prison.
  8. PD Bank Guard - You guard the PD vault with your pump shotgun.
  9. DJ - You work at the Nightclub and mic spam music. Unless you add radios
  10.  Theirs probably more but i couldn't think of anymore

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For custom classes, it would be that users can only purchase pistols / small tools on their class along with playermodels and custom weapons. This would benefit the server a lot and keep the majority of the server happy. No user can just buy 10 AK's on their class and no one would scream saying it's just completely unfair because they would have a pistol or possible some kind of custom weapon at most.


It wouldn't change anyone's class but prevent you from adding say another AK or Shotgun to your class or something along those lines. I wouldn't touch any classes that have AK's / Machine guns / ect. That's for you to keep. You guys complain there is no RP but lets be real, this game is 50% raiding, 20% cops vs raiders and 20% messing around by either building or being a hobo or something else that isn't related to raiding. Just take a second and think on any other server you have played on. Did you REALLY rp, did you REALLY not raid people, did you REALLY have something interesting to bring to the server?


Why do you have a custom class? To raid. Why do you become a thief? To raid. You only become other jobs when they pose a chance to earn a profit or they are genuinely fun which I think a lot of them are lacking. This should be fixed in the jobs update coming after the gangs update which should be within 7 days I would assume from the gang update launch.


Map change is pretty much a no go. I don't think our community is big / strong enough to uphold a new map. We have tried it in the past millions of times and everyone is always down for a map switch but the second it comes, it's a ghost town. If you want to actually switch maps, make a discussion about it and get the utter most possible information from every user on their opinions of a map change, the map you want to switch to and why they think it's a good idea. I would be down to switch maps but again.. it just doesn't work. Evilmelon is trash because of it's really bad FPS, EvoCity is too big and I am not going to add cars back in. Every other map is just unpopular which hurts the chance of someone joining even more.


Take this for example:

The top server in the US running Evilmelon is ranked 749

The top server in the US running Downtown_sewers is 788

The top servers in the US running the map we are on now are at rank 15 - 200+


It's pretty ignorant to compare maps with rankings but it has never proven me wrong in the past. Unless our server is filled 100% of the time and everyone is begging for a map change and there is a unified vote saying "THIS is the map we want, THIS would be awesome", only then, would I consider it more.


Crafting has no downside, rendering a few trees won't demolish your FPS. I can however make the rocks smaller and place them somewhere else where it's out of the way. A lot of people underutilized the system and it gives you a lot of items you simple cannot get by normal means. A lot of people complain they are being raided too often...make a door shield and a house alarm, problem solved and you should be able to know when people are coming to your base. I made it so you're not forced to craft but if you want to, then by all means, go for it.

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For custom classes, it would be that users can only purchase pistols / small tools on their class along with playermodels and custom weapons. This would benefit the server a lot and keep the majority of the server happy. No user can just buy 10 AK's on their class and no one would scream saying it's just completely unfair because they would have a pistol or possible some kind of custom weapon at most.


It wouldn't change anyone's class but prevent you from adding say another AK or Shotgun to your class or something along those lines. I wouldn't touch any classes that have AK's / Machine guns / ect. That's for you to keep. You guys complain there is no RP but lets be real, this game is 50% raiding, 20% cops vs raiders and 20% messing around by either building or being a hobo or something else that isn't related to raiding. Just take a second and think on any other server you have played on. Did you REALLY rp, did you REALLY not raid people, did you REALLY have something interesting to bring to the server?


Why do you have a custom class? To raid. Why do you become a thief? To raid. You only become other jobs when they pose a chance to earn a profit or they are genuinely fun which I think a lot of them are lacking. This should be fixed in the jobs update coming after the gangs update which should be within 7 days I would assume from the gang update launch.


Map change is pretty much a no go. I don't think our community is big / strong enough to uphold a new map. We have tried it in the past millions of times and everyone is always down for a map switch but the second it comes, it's a ghost town. If you want to actually switch maps, make a discussion about it and get the utter most possible information from every user on their opinions of a map change, the map you want to switch to and why they think it's a good idea. I would be down to switch maps but again.. it just doesn't work. Evilmelon is trash because of it's really bad FPS, EvoCity is too big and I am not going to add cars back in. Every other map is just unpopular which hurts the chance of someone joining even more.


Take this for example:

The top server in the US running Evilmelon is ranked 749

The top server in the US running Downtown_sewers is 788

The top servers in the US running the map we are on now are at rank 15 - 200+


It's pretty ignorant to compare maps with rankings but it has never proven me wrong in the past. Unless our server is filled 100% of the time and everyone is begging for a map change and there is a unified vote saying "THIS is the map we want, THIS would be awesome", only then, would I consider it more.


Crafting has no downside, rendering a few trees won't demolish your FPS. I can however make the rocks smaller and place them somewhere else where it's out of the way. A lot of people underutilized the system and it gives you a lot of items you simple cannot get by normal means. A lot of people complain they are being raided too often...make a door shield and a house alarm, problem solved and you should be able to know when people are coming to your base. I made it so you're not forced to craft but if you want to, then by all means, go for it.


so for the custom class our barrets, pdws and other guns would be removed? if so thats stupid cause i paid for those guns, not for pistols.

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Hmm. I'll look into the map thing for the future, I don't think we're ready for the change right now, but I'll definitely search for possibilities for when the time may come(if it does.)

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For custom classes, it would be that users can only purchase pistols / small tools on their class along with playermodels and custom weapons. This would benefit the server a lot and keep the majority of the server happy. No user can just buy 10 AK's on their class and no one would scream saying it's just completely unfair because they would have a pistol or possible some kind of custom weapon at most.


It wouldn't change anyone's class but prevent you from adding say another AK or Shotgun to your class or something along those lines. I wouldn't touch any classes that have AK's / Machine guns / ect. That's for you to keep. You guys complain there is no RP but lets be real, this game is 50% raiding, 20% cops vs raiders and 20% messing around by either building or being a hobo or something else that isn't related to raiding. Just take a second and think on any other server you have played on. Did you REALLY rp, did you REALLY not raid people, did you REALLY have something interesting to bring to the server?


so for the custom class our barrets, pdws and other guns would be removed? if so thats stupid cause i paid for those guns, not for pistols.

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For custom classes, it would be that users can only purchase pistols / small tools on their class along with playermodels and custom weapons. This would benefit the server a lot and keep the majority of the server happy. No user can just buy 10 AK's on their class and no one would scream saying it's just completely unfair because they would have a pistol or possible some kind of custom weapon at most.


It wouldn't change anyone's class but prevent you from adding say another AK or Shotgun to your class or something along those lines. I wouldn't touch any classes that have AK's / Machine guns / ect. That's for you to keep. You guys complain there is no RP but lets be real, this game is 50% raiding, 20% cops vs raiders and 20% messing around by either building or being a hobo or something else that isn't related to raiding. Just take a second and think on any other server you have played on. Did you REALLY rp, did you REALLY not raid people, did you REALLY have something interesting to bring to the server?


so for the custom class our barrets, pdws and other guns would be removed? if so thats stupid cause i paid for those guns, not for pistols.



oh ok yea thats fair.

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