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My side or server side?

Larry Cake

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Bug Exploit / Quality of Life: Bug 



Description: I hear people no where near me but when I bring someone I cannot hear them talk. I wanted to know if this is happening to anyone else or is it just something wrong with my game. If it is my side anyone know how to fix it I tried restarting my games many times and it didn't fix it.


How to reproduce: Go by someone then go far and you can still hear them then bring someone to you and you cant hear them.


Priority: (High, Medium, Low): Medium



Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_PSV_Kt5LE&feature=youtu.be

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This is probably on my side. I am trying to see the fault in my logic but I will either revert this change with something I know that will work. The base logic is that the hook that calls to see if the player can hear the other player returns either true or false. True if you can hear them and false if you can't.


Instead of running a timer every second to cache the results, I cached the results for the player talking only. So when a player presses his bind to talk, he will send a message to the server saying "Hey, I am talking" and then the server will calculate all of the player's distances to see if they are within range, if they are within range then it's set to true, if not then false. This will also update every 2 seconds aslong as the player keeps talking. This is to prevent the player from running around with his mic on to talk to the whole server.


Although, something is obviously wrong lol my only prediction is that the client isn't sending the message to the server fast enough when they either end or start their voice which results in false positives. I will put a silly fix for the next reset that's 100% going to work

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This was happening to me, I have so many people muted it will take time to unmute everyone, but It went away on its own, so I would say client side. Alot of my friends have been complaining of this though so who knows? Best of luck getting it fixed man.

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