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Administrator Training Guide


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Administrator Training Guide


Welcome to the Admin team! First, let's start off with a quick refresher of the Moderator / Admin Guidelines and the Admin Overview and Responsibilities. You must know and understand everything in those threads because we will avoid covering those topics here and focus mainly on your transition from Senior Moderator to Administrator. 


Note: this thread will be updated regularly so check back often for the latest info. 


Removing Rep

How: Click View Rep on a player from the scoreboard, then right-click on the rep that you want to remove, then select Remove Rep


Remove rep for a player only at their request or when the rep message contains any content that violated the server rules. This includes racist, harmful, or offensive language. Do not remove Rep just because the person doesn't like it. When a player requests that a rep be removed, you must remove all instances of false/offensive rep. This includes positive ones. Inform the player that this may negatively affect their overall rep. If they want to proceed, go through their entire rep history and remove anything that violates the server rules.

Note: It may take some time before these changes reflect the user's dashboard profile.


Removing Bans

How: Open the staff menu with !menu, click Bans, then type in the user's SteamID. Right click the ban, then select Delete Ban. This will unban the user and remove it from their record completely.


Removing bans only works on active bans. There is currently no way to delete existing or expired bans from a user's record. For that you will need to reach out to a Superadmin for help because it needs to be manually deleted from the database. Remember this is not the same as unbanning because when you unban a user, it will still remain on their record.

Note: It may take some time before these changes reflect the user's dashboard profile.


Accepting S-Mod Applications

As you know by now, the Senior Moderator application process is very different than the regular T-Mod application process. It will take significantly more time before you should accept an S-Mod application due to the nature of how it's setup. Part of the application process is testing the applicant's patience and motive. Are they applying just for the rank? Will they remain active even if they aren't accepted right away? Because of this, you should wait at least 7 days and for the application to gain a majority of positive feedback before accepting it.


After accepting the application, you need to do the following:

  • Reach out directly to the applicant via Discord to inform them that their application was accepted (they can't see the accepted applications forum so this is important)
  • Reach out to the applicant on Discord a second time and schedule a time/date that they are available to be trained
  • Set their rank to Senior Moderator in-game (Discord and forums roles will be automatically applied after some time)
  • Train them in game, covering all of the topics listed in Senior Moderator Overview and Responsibilities
  • Locate their thread in #tmod-upkeep, right click it, and choose Edit Tags. Add the Senior Moderator tag
  • Create a new post in #staff-info containing the following format:
    SMod Name: <applicant name>
    SteamID: <applicant steamID>
    Trained By: <whoever trained them>
    Watched Over By: <your name if applicable> 


On occasion, an S-Mod may ask you if they can conduct the training. This is completely fine as long as you are actively monitoring the training and provide support if needed. This is a great way for S-Mods who have their sights set on Admin to gain some valuable experience for the future. You are fully responsible for the quality of the training that they do so do be heavily involved in the process. 


Perma-Bans / Community Removals

As an Admin, you may ban a user indefinitely in accordance with the server rules and our terms of use. Remember, the max ban for most situations is 6mo. It is your responsibility when extending bans to verify that a community removal is an appropriate punishment and within the punishment guidelines. Once you extend it to permanent, it becomes your responsibility since no one besides you and Superadmins have the authority to reverse it. 


Community Removals require a thorough and well-informed group decision so never rush to conclusions. It's best practice to make a post in either #decision-making or #admin-chat for sensitive topics. 


Rule Changes

How: Go to https://titsrp.com/adminrules and login. Make the approved changes and then click save. Log your changes.

On the rare occasion that something in the server rules needs to be updated or removed, you may make those changes after majority approval from the rest of the Admin team and the Superadmin. It's best practice to post the proposed changes in #decision-making and include the rest of the staff team as well. If it's a good rule change, there's no reason to not include everyone. 


All changes to the server rules must be logged to the forums. Failure to do so will jeopardize the integrity of the server rules and you risk being demoted. 

Server Reboots

In situations where the server is frozen / stops responding, it is designed to reboot itself after no more than 5 minutes. Always wait at least 20 minutes after the initial report before taking any action.

  • Never reboot the server before you have exhausted all other options to fix the issue
  • Never reboot the server before you have tried to contact Rubik several times via pings in #admin-chat, DMs, or other methods and **at least 20 minutes has passed**
  • Never reboot the server multiple times to try and fix an issue. If it isn't fixed the first time, a reboot will not solve the issue 😦
  • Never turn off / stop the server unless you have tried a reboot with no success


DO reboot the server if:

  • The entire server reports that their inventory is missing
  • **Literally no one** is able to connect, including yourself and other admins
  • The server has been offline or down for more than 20 minutes and there is no communication from Rubik in #announcements 
  • The server has failed to reboot itself after a crash or scheduled reboot *(will show as "Stopped" in the panel)*


DO NOT reboot the server if:

  • A small number of players say they are unable to connect
  • Someone says they are missing item(s) from their inventory
  • Someone is lagging or DDoSing the server
  • Someone is exploiting / duping *(ban the person(s) instead)*
  • You have already rebooted the server once and the issue still persists
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