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I would like to delete my forums account


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2 hours ago, LeGerbs said:

I hate to be that guy but at some point someone will find your new name/account and everyone will know who you are again. Going through this much trouble just to end up at square one isn't worth it.


My suggestion is to try mending your reputation with people. Most people are very forgiving and would be willing to overlook your past if you make an attempt at apologizing or changing past behavior. 

im going to try this, and ill see if people will forgive me

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1 hour ago, kashpaint said:

ngl i would get mad at this but ur right. ive said some vulgar things to a lot of players. i apologize for being transphobic to you when you told me to stop being vulgar. 

Listen, you're allowed to have feelings. You can be mad while still accepting that things need to change. In fact, I'd say that being willing to change while you're feeling upset is a good thing because it shows that you still have a want to change, but you just need to work on shit. I'm not against you, Kash. I just don't want to hear a minor saying some of these things. It's uncomfortable for everyone.


And thank you for the apology. I appreciate that.

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