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Tits Anon Feedback Poll - Summer '24


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2 hours ago, goodnight said:

Doesn't this kinda prove the community's point, though? Saying "we already knew that people were going to be out of favor of these particular players" kinda just seems like we're all putting up a giant glowing sign saying "hey... these people are not exactly people we want being in control of us" but nobody is listening. Also, a LOT of us are looking far past the whole in-game type crap (raiding, basing, pvp, grinding, w.e) and saying that their behavior is unbecoming of a staff member. No hate obviously but a lot of us just feel like our concerns are being ignored or put on a back-burner when it's been discussed time and time again. 

No it just proves the biases of people who would go to a form about staff and how fun the server is. 30 respondents is a low sample size and nearly every staff is within a margin of 2 or 3 votes for leaning "bad" or "good". Hardly a "glowing sign"
While interesting stuff about reputation there is I hope internal dialogue between staff on what to do in sits, if someone disagrees with another person etc. even if it sometimes feels different.

The only real reason for people to be demoted would be abuse or other things that are unbecoming of staff, or just not taking sits which there is a report section for where you submit evidence. Not your subjective opinion on a person.


I hear there were more questions on the survey I would like to see the data on that as well even if the sample size is likely low like the staff questions

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