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If adverting Raid is metagaming then why are we Adverting Kidnaps...


But anyway, I feel that raiders are getting a bit too much power. Theres no way for me to prove if i get raided by the same people over and over again unless I specifically see 1 of the player names twice. 


6 raiders, I get killed by ThatGuy

ThatGuy types "over"

*2minutes later*

4 raiders, and I'm lucky enough to see ThatGuy.


Thats the only way I can prove if the same people are over-raiding my base....



To me this just leaves people who are basing at a disadvantage since by the time we spend 200k+ on buying entities, we get an attempted raid, and theres nothing to prevent Raid, after raid, after raid. Except for a building sign which means I cannot have any Printers or miners untill i'm done building.... So if they left a printer behind then what? I either have to blow up my printer then place a "building sign" or build without a sign and have the potetial of getting raided while i do so...

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First: Not all raiders break the entities found inside, nor can they take them all at once.

Second: I was literally put in a sit and got a verbal for that today.

Third: From being told by almost every Mod that I cannot return untill it's over, how am I to know if someone is gearing up to raid me?

Fourth: I can only have 1 camera which is Normally placed facing the entrance so I can see whose knocking/trying to get in.

1. If they don't take them all at once, they'll probably advert over. This is where I'm getting unsure because if you leave the house and don't advert over, I'm pretty sure it's not over. But just lock your doors quickly, and redo your stuff quickly.


2. For that? Well, that makes no sense. You can return back around the house. Just don't go inside until over. That moderator/Trial should learn about that


3. If someone is nearby your house, with guns out/raiding tools ect. Also, if they're sticking around, do the warn 1/2/3. The only thing that could be bad about this is immediately getting raided which you said about, but you just gotta act fast.


4. As I said, door alarm. Craft it, when they open the door; it'll alert you. You can just have the camera in your entities area, which is a good area.

If adverting Raid is metagaming then why are we Adverting Kidnaps...


But anyway, I feel that raiders are getting a bit too much power. Theres no way for me to prove if i get raided by the same people over and over again unless I specifically see 1 of the player names twice. 


6 raiders, I get killed by ThatGuy

ThatGuy types "over"

*2minutes later*

4 raiders, and I'm lucky enough to see ThatGuy.


Thats the only way I can prove if the same people are over-raiding my base....


I'm not sure if this is a rule or not, but they should probably be in a party so you know the group that's raiding you. Anyway, I see what you mean about adverting kidnaps.


It doesn't make sense, it's just a hint I guess to the staff for random kidnap and adverted kidnap. And to check when they adverted, so they know if they followed the cooldown or not.

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To me this just leaves people who are basing at a disadvantage since by the time we spend 200k+ on buying entities, we get an attempted raid, and theres nothing to prevent Raid, after raid, after raid. Except for a building sign which means I cannot have any Printers or miners untill i'm done building.... So if they left a printer behind then what? I either have to blow up my printer then place a "building sign" or build without a sign and have the potetial of getting raided while i do so...


Pretty much.


But in the end, you're only losing that one printer so it's not as bad as the last raid.


I don't see people getting raided constantly like that, so you must have an attractive base.


You can't really do much. but build until you get the notification from your door alarm that you're getting raided. Then you have to stop building.

(Then again, that sounds a little stupid. But you can't really do anything about it.)

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I made the thread to discuss the new raid system, since today I know the same 5 people consistently attempted to raid Checkmate and I 5 times in 15 minutes.


There's nothing stopping them from doing so besides "hey don't do that" with the potential of staff action if there is enough proof to determine that they are actually doing it...

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