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Banned for hacking


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Why were you banned or warned?

dude thinks I was aim hacking or something

Why should you be unwarned/unbanned?

cause I'm most definitely not like dude must honestly just not know what aim hacks look like cause it honestly wasn't even like i was killing people on crazy shots or anything and i very obviously can just see through my fences i can put a clip below i guess of how easy i see people and its just normal kills i mean like i can't do much else unless you wanna put me in a server for 5 mins to show you in a new clip or discord stream or whatever which im very much willing to do

Who warned/banned you?


How long were you warned or banned for?

182.5 Days
Edited by McShmeckle
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i mean like i don't know what else to say i have a clip of my screen but not at the right time cause my clips are limited to 2 mins, but like surely yall can see a damage log or something to see how much i whiff and the clip here can at least show that i can 100% just see through the walls so i mean here's the only clip i got but it shows how i easy i can just see through the walls 


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not looking good on who? if buddy gave me 5 mins in server i can stream for him in discord and show how easy it is and that it really wasn't crazy/special 

Edited by McShmeckle
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sure and I mean I guess I just wait but man like I've invested all of like maybe 15 hours in the server, and spent most all of it getting help from other people and mods, also if possible id like to see the supposed proof of me hacking cause I'm very confident it don't exist 

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