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Weapon Enchanting Rework


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Weapon enchanting on the server has seen little to no change for a very long time. Enchanting as a whole was nerfed, and artifacts were added but other then that, I cant ever recall a big change made, so I have formulated a new weapon enchantment system that we could implement to the server.


First of all, no more commons, rares, epics, leggys, or artifacts. There is no need for this in the new way weapon enchanting would work. 

The biggest change that should be made is the table. Its very uninteractive, and I dont ever feel like I am enchanting a weapon, I just feel like I clicked E and got a cool gun out of it. Put a gun on the table, 1 blood, 2 chems, and hit E and in less then 10 seconds you got an enchanted weapon weapon. What would be significantly better is if we had a UI similar to the restaraunt owner, but instead of plates or pots its your gun, and instead of various foods, its weapon upgrades. This is simply an example, I dont think we should copy and paste the cooking system, its more or less just a frame of the image I have in my mind.


As far as how the table would work, here is my thinking on the 2 main functions available at the enchanting table:
Enhance - Increase the base stats of the weapon
Modify - Add a modifier to the weapon


Enhancing is going to be very similar to how enchanting currently works (Mostly so it doesnt shift the market TOO much) You will still need blood and chems. You put your weapon on the table, you put 1 blood and 2 chems, open the table, and you “Enhance” your weapon, which will increase ALL base stats of the weapon randomly, which you can re-enhance with the levelling perk unlocked, so we wont need to change any of the perks. Now, on this table you can add more chems, but instead of putting in more chems to increase your chances of getting a higher tier weapon, more chems make the pool of possible base stat increases larger. Ill explain what this means


Lets say you have a weapon with the following base stats

600 RPM
1.4 Recoil
25 Damage
30 Magazine


Now lets say you put 1 blood and 2 chems onto the table with this weapon. Hypothetically, the best possible stats you can get are the following

650 RPM 
1.3 Recoil
28 Damage
32 Magazine


Now lets say you wanted to add 20 chems to the table. Now, hypothetically these are the best possible stats you can get

750 RPM
1.1 Recoil
31 Damage
34 Magazine


So, adding more chems doesnt mean you get a better stats, but it means you unlocked the possibility of getting better stats. This will keep the RNG element of the current enchanting table, while still allowing players to influence the outcome. This would have to be capped obviously at a certain amount of chems.


Now, modifying will change significantly. If youre unaware, a modifier will be what gives your gun a special effect (Force, stun, blind, ignite, etc.) Modifiers would be items that you can put in your inventory, and add onto your gun at the enchanting table, for a price. They would not be random modifiers, you will be able to know what the modifier does before putting it on the weapon. If its your weapons first modification, it would be affordable, lets say 100k, and then bam, you got a modified weapon. Now, where it gets interesting is you would be able to add more modification to the gun, progressively getting more and more expensive until its met the maximum amount of modifications (I personally think 5 would be a good cap, and it would have to be VERY expensive to add any modifiers after the first modifier is added so you cant have an inventory of artifact tier weapons)


Now, where will you be able to get these modifiers? These can be craftable, as well as found in loot boxes, in place of the outdated enchanted weapons.


If you have anything youd like to add, youre more then welcome to, thanks for reading.

Edited by Quas
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