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Random QoL Changes


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Make it so while in a search bar in the F4 menu pressing your bind for F4 menu doesn't close it. For an example I have it binded to T so when I spell Batman the second I reach T it closes it. 

Add auto sort to the bank and make it so u can do it for only the bank as well and not touch your inventory.

Possibly add sorting by color to auto sort

You can hold an item in your inventory and scroll the bank up and down but you cant hold a bank item and scroll your inventory up and down please fix.

Please find a way to make it so when you open your inventory you don't freeze sometimes its really aids in a fight. (This might be a big ask)

Cops can't buy shovels but there is a legal crop that can be farmed (shovels are also needed melee in some situations)

If you guys can think of anymore changes to some server jank feel free to REPLY!!!

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Also possibly up the range (both for swinging and tping) of shadow knife and make it less janky. It feels almost impossible to teleport. It should also only remove like 10 of your HP and put in the chat of the person you teleported to "[Name] teleported behind you" 

Also make it clear if you can TP to people if u can see them in gaps thru their base because that used to be allowed and all staff seem to have differing opinions (I think it should be allowed because the obvious counterplay is to remove gaps in your base)

You also can't open doors (vents) while on a ladder so theres like 3 spots on the map where you have to jump off open it then get back on ladder

Edited by WantedNearby
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Moved to Suggestions


31 minutes ago, WantedNearby said:

Make it so while in a search bar in the F4 menu pressing your bind for F4 menu doesn't close it. For an example I have it binded to T so when I spell Batman the second I reach T it closes it. 

Why would you do this? Also no, it’d be jank as hell to have the open keybind not also close. Maybe rebind it to a KP/FN key or punctuation?


33 minutes ago, WantedNearby said:

Please find a way to make it so when you open your inventory you don't freeze sometimes its really aids in a fight. (This might be a big ask)

Get a better pc


+1 to the rest

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9 hours ago, WantedNearby said:

I have it binded to T so when I spell Batman the second I reach T it closes it. 

or you could bind it to F4 like a normal person

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