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Senior Moderator Overview and Responsibilites


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Senior Moderator
By receiving the rank of Senior Moderator you have proven yourself to be a capable leader that can work well with a team.


ULX Commands
As a Senior Moderator you now have access to more ULX commands and can use these commands on other Senior Moderators and all ranks below:

Shame - This is an alternative punishment which can be used at your discretion.
Unshame - This will end the shame on whichever player you have shamed.
Bans - As a Senior Moderator you are now able to ban and extend bans for up to 6 months. 

Admin Stick - Block Prop, this will set a prop to the blacklist, do not do this.
RemoveInvalid - This command will remove all random entities like error signs that the admin tool can not target.
Removeuser - This command will set a players rank to user when they are online

RemoveUserID - This is the same as RemoveUser, however it is used for players that are offline or not in game.

Setrank - this command will allow you to set the rank for a player that is online
SetRankID - This is the same as SetRank, however it is used for players that are offline or not in game.
Available ranks for you to set players to: 

Respected [Do not set anyone to this rank]
Trial Moderator
Developer [Do not set anyone to this rank]
F2 Menu on Door
Disallow Ownership - This disables anyone from being able to buy doors, like the doors in spawn area.
Door Groups - This will allow you to set the door to only be owned by Cops/Gun Dealers/Bankers & Guards. 
Jobs - This will allow you to set the door to be ownable only by specific jobs.
None - This resets the door to a normal buyable door.




Discord Moderation
We already have a discord moderating guideline which is located here. For the punishments make sure to use your best judgment, we have no specific guideline for the punishments. Do not ban someone for 7 days because they called you a furry, in the same vein do not mute someone for 2 hours because they doxx’d one of our admins. Basically don’t be silly when it comes to punishments.

Discord Commands
You can now Alt Check and view Staff Stats for the staff team.
$altcheck steamid - This will pull up a list of alts and tell you if they are banned or not for that steamID, it will also tell you if there are no alts associated with that account.
$staffstats steamid [#]w - This command will show you the hours played and how many sits they have taken for however many weeks you have specified.
Instead of using a steamID for $staffstats you can also search by staff rank. Here are the list of ranks you can search:





Forum Moderation
There is no difference between Mod and Senior Moderator when it comes to terms of moderating the forums, however, as a Senior Moderator you can now Accept or Deny Appeals & Reports. When accepting or denying Appeals & Reports make sure you go with majority vote. If it is a split tie you can ask other staff members to put their opinions on the post, or you can confer with the SMod team on what to do. You can also view and comment on Senior Moderator Applications.




Responsibilities of a Senior Moderator
As a Senior Moderator you have proven that you are to be trusted with the responsibility that comes with this role. Work together with your fellow Senior Moderators to come to a decision. The Senior Moderator Team is a fully autonomous part of the staff team when it comes to decisions that fall on the Mod- team. Anything else that the Senior Moderator team has a discussion about or recommended change pertaining to the server or staff team as a whole should be brought to the Admins.


Training TMod’s and accepting TMod Applications
As a Senior Moderator you can now accept/deny Trial Moderator Applications. Always go with majority vote when it comes to accepting or denying an application. Make sure that the application has been up for a minimum of 24 hours. If the votes are split then confer with your fellow Senior Moderator’s before accepting/denying. Should they be accepted you can now train them by yourself following this training guideline. You may now also oversee Moderators who wish to train Trial Moderators. 

Promoting Trial Moderators
As a Senior Moderator, you may promote a Trial Moderator to Moderator if they meet the following criteria: they have been active for at least 7 days, their sit count is good, they have been drama free, and they have shown they are confident in their knowledge of staffing, then suggest a promotion to the other Senior Moderators in the #tmod-upkeep channel on Discord. Give other staff members enough time respond with feedback, then use your best judgement on whether or not it's the right time for a promotion. Train them using this guideline.

Demoting/Striking Staff Members

As a Senior Moderator you can now demote and issue strikes against Mods and TMods. Strikes and demotions should only be given out after a discussion in the #tmod-upkeep channel or in rare cases where it is absolutely necessary such as abuse of staff commands or staff going rouge. Notify the rest of the team as soon as possible. If you are giving out a strike, confer with other Senior Moderators with the evidence you have to see if that is the best course of action.


Reasons for Demotes and Strikes
The only reasons you should be giving demotions or strikes out to staff members is if they either break the Moderator Guidelines, or if they break the actual Server Rules. The other reason is if they are not meeting the expected quota, or have a severe lack of tickets taken/hours played. I.e; 60 hours in the week with 2 sits taken, or 5 hours in the last two weeks. In those scenarios approach them first, then if there is no change you may strike/demote. You should not be giving out demotions or strikes just because you don’t like a trial moderator, you will be removed if caught doing this.


Trial Mod & Moderator Outreach
As a Senior Moderator you are the first bastion for the Mod’s and TMod’s. Make sure that you are keeping in touch with your team, whether it's to see if they’re doing well in the staff team, or to just see if they’re doing well as a person. Let the Mod- team know that we are here for them as a leader in every aspect possible, not just to answer their “should I mrdm ban this guy or not” questions.

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Modified 'Promoting Trial Moderators'


- As a Senior Moderator you have been given full autonomy over promoting Trial Moderators. While you can do it by yourself without conferring with the other Senior Moderators, it is not recommended to do so. +As a Senior Moderator, you may promote a Trial Moderator to Moderator if they meet the following criteria: they have been active for at least 7 days, their sit count is good, they have been drama free, and they have shown they are confident in their knowledge of staffing, then suggest a promotion to the other Senior Moderators  - and go with the majority vote + in the #tmod-upkeep channel on Discord. Give other staff members enough time respond with feedback, then use your best judgement on whether or not it's the right time for a promotion. Train them using this guideline.


editor's notes: there's a difference between permission to do something and free rein/control over it. All ranks should be encouraged to work as a team to make decisions. Basic criteria must be met before a trial moderator can be promoted. Added mention of tmod-upkeep because this is where the majority vote should take place. 

Modified 'Demoting/Striking Staff Members'


As a Senior Moderator you can now demote and -strike  +issue strikes against Mods and TMods.  -If you are demoting them you should confer with other Senior Moderators, unless it is necessary to demote on the spot i.e; obvious staff abuse, staff going rogue, etc… Use your best judgment. +Strikes and demotions should only be given out after a discussion in the #decision-making channel or in rare cases where it is absolutely necessary such as abuse of staff commands or staff going rouge. Notify the rest of the team as soon as possible. If you are giving out a strike, -usually confer with other Senior Moderators with the evidence you have to see if that is the best course of action. -It is not necessary to confer with other Senior Moderators before doing either of these, however it will mitigate any future problems that could arise if you work as a team.


editor's notes: staff guidelines should always encourage working as a team. Staff should always confer with the rest of the team unless it's time sensitive or critical situation. 

Modified 'Reasons For Demotes and Strikes'


Reasons for Demotes and Strikes
The only reasons you should be giving demotions or strikes out to staff members is if they either break the Moderator Guidelines, or if they break the actual Server Rules. -The other reason is if they -are not meeting the expected quota, or have a severe lack of tickets taken/hours played. I.e; 60 hours in the week with 2 sits taken, or 5 hours in the last two weeks. In those scenarios approach them first, then if there is no change you may strike/demote. You should not be giving out demotions or strikes just because you don’t like a trial moderator, you will be removed if caught doing this.


editor's notes: staff do not have quotas


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