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Calling Out Albinos and Fedorawearing


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^ agreed, imo I think albino abused. not sure what any one elses opinion is, but i see abuse.


Piper (WhoDid9/11) was in the sit because Koben thought that he RDM'd his friends, and he asked if it was Zuthar to see if it was a troll or a youtuber.


The "Mass RDM" was because these little fucking kids kept following him and got blown up by the C4.


Koben literally thought it was RDM then he was told it was ok and that the victims didn't care and to let him go.


I would refer to this as crossfire, not RDM.


maybe we should re-add the rule that makes randomly using explosives not allowed, I don't see why it was removed anyways.


It should be under common sense if that's still in the rules.

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If anybody abused in this situation, it was Pickle Butter, confused? Lemme elaborate.


Zuthar eventually did Mass RDM, but instead of doing something about the reports, Pickle jailed him, teleported to him, talked to him, then unjailed him - No ban, no warn, nothing.


It's not shown in the video because, I don't know if any of you even thought about this, but you can cut and trim videos! I know right! Crazy!

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I understand the situation about zuthar13 but sadly for whatever reason grav gunning a entity is completely against the rules? tThis is something that I don't quite support not only that but if you watch the video you can see me giving him a total of 2 c4 the first time I was not aware of what exactly he was gonna do. Unti I heard his voice only then did I understand and when I gave him the 2nd set of c4 it was obvious what he was going to do next but those are 2 counts of me giving him c4 not only that but he did give me money prior to the mass rdm for the c4 which for whatever reason was not included in the video. However there were far more than 4 people who either mass rdmed, "helped", or just flat out broke rules. Not only that but of the 8 people that were killed in the video I am certain that at least half of them complained about rdm but sadly no one was having their situation taken care of which also supports the comment where it is stated that some mods/admins do not know what is right and what is bad but that does not mean they don't do their job as a mod/admin and deal with the situation but if someone like me saw 4 people getting killed in a blink of an eye I would have risen to action and dealt with it but in this case I couldn't. Also to further continue this little explanation giving a guy c4 is honestly in my opinion stupid. But I digress, not only are you punishing those of which in the spot light but those of which that are in the spotlight committed well minor "crimes" not only that but the way Blacnova "dealt" with the situation was completely stupid. He not only harassed me right when I joined the server but he was constantly twisting my words and getting a mod (Don't actually remember his name) to support him when I thought it was going to be a 1 on 1 situation which I honestly didn't mind or care about but that's not what I am complaining currently. I am complaining about the fact that your "staff" do not know how to treat players with respect, how to deal with sits politely and efficiently, and the fact that I aws banned for 3 days for  which many people have done so if that is against the rules its time to ban 20+ people I guess. Not only that but if "assisting" a mass rdmer is against the rules that should be added to the motd as well so then there isnt more confusion and random bans for that same reason. Anyway this just about concludes my mini rant but in all honestly Sugar if more of this kinda stuff happens at lend well fair. Cause to be honest being banned for 3 days for "assisting" a mass rdmer in my opinion. Also there were far more than 4 people who gave zuthar13 weapons  names but I am not into getting people banned forbs reasons. XD

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I understand the situation about zuthar13 but sadly for whatever reason grav gunning a entity is completely against the rules? tThis is something that I don't quite support not only that but if you watch the video you can see me giving him a total of 2 c4 the first time I was not aware of what exactly he was gonna do. Unti I heard his voice only then did I understand and when I gave him the 2nd set of c4 it was obvious what he was going to do next but those are 2 counts of me giving him c4 not only that but he did give me money prior to the mass rdm for the c4 which for whatever reason was not included in the video. However there were far more than 4 people who either mass rdmed, "helped", or just flat out broke rules. Not only that but of the 8 people that were killed in the video I am certain that at least half of them complained about rdm but sadly no one was having their situation taken care of which also supports the comment where it is stated that some mods/admins do not know what is right and what is bad but that does not mean they don't do their job as a mod/admin and deal with the situation but if someone like me saw 4 people getting killed in a blink of an eye I would have risen to action and dealt with it but in this case I couldn't. Also to further continue this little explanation giving a guy c4 is honestly in my opinion stupid. But I digress, not only are you punishing those of which in the spot light but those of which that are in the spotlight committed well minor "crimes" not only that but the way Blacnova "dealt" with the situation was completely stupid. He not only harassed me right when I joined the server but he was constantly twisting my words and getting a mod (Don't actually remember his name) to support him when I thought it was going to be a 1 on 1 situation which I honestly didn't mind or care about but that's not what I am complaining currently. I am complaining about the fact that your "staff" do not know how to treat players with respect, how to deal with sits politely and efficiently, and the fact that I aws banned for 3 days for  which many people have done so if that is against the rules its time to ban 20+ people I guess. Not only that but if "assisting" a mass rdmer is against the rules that should be added to the motd as well so then there isnt more confusion and random bans for that same reason. Anyway this just about concludes my mini rant but in all honestly Sugar if more of this kinda stuff happens at lend well fair. Cause to be honest being banned for 3 days for "assisting" a mass rdmer in my opinion. Also there were far more than 4 people who gave zuthar13 weapons  names but I am not into getting people banned forbs reasons. XD


If he was paid for giving Zuther explosives then does it count as assisting? I don't think you fully looked at everything tbh blac. Sugar it's up to you but you should check to see if fedora did pick up money that Zuther dropped for him. But if you banned abyss I agree with that because he did mass rdm on footage

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Just stop talking about it. Next person to assist the guy or cheer him on or talk about him will just be demoted / banned. I'm not even going to read this thread because I know it's filled with "I HATE U" "U SHOULD BE DEMOTED". If he is on, let me know and I will IP ban him. It's not rocket science. I will say it again, this doesn't do anything but cause silly drama and cause people to start going for the jugular.


But I guess it's not a DarkRP server if we didn't have 13 - 15 year olds causing some kind silly drama.

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