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Discussion about my dupe

Wilhelm Panderino

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For Context, i made a base that when you walk in a certain spot, you are stuck, similar to a kidnap cell. In order to get out, you need to lock pick the prop blocking the exit or keypad crack out. Both of which were clearly visible, the props that held you in the location were not visible but thats not relevant whatsoever as they had no fading doors attached to them. The path out of said dupe was visible and the keypads were not hidden. 


Since the admin i reported instantly denied my report, is my dupe against the rules? I made sure to follow every basing rule, the fading door was visible and the keypads were visible (legerbs claimed the keypad was not visible even though his video clearly showed it on the wall in front of his face)


The only thing that differs here from a normal kidnap dupe is the fact that i didnt physically put them into it. Somehow that warrants a kick from the server. 

If someone walks into my kidnap cage, and i close the door with a button, (which is NO different than what i was doing) i am now failbasing? 

people "failbase" every single time im on this server, skybases, bases on roofs with no actual access, hobo bases in the street, bases that require jump sweps. Staff never intervene with these yet when i make a base that follows every rule under the basing section and does not violate any of the failbasing criteria, im suddenly loopholing?

Edited by Wilhelm Panderino
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When you make a dupe or base where people can not move in it then it is not allowed. It is the first tule in the misc rules section. “Do not force other players to get stuck, if they can't move it's not RP”.

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