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AM i allowed to megabase the sewr?


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2 hours ago, Jamarcus said:

i tried to megabase the sewer's when some one come's and tell's me its not allowed, is it allowed?

The MOTD states: 


You must have at least 3 members who are part of the same faction (ie, 3 hobos, 3 crips, 3 aliens) to megabase unless you're the king.

Your megabase cannot take over a large portion of the map and the portion of the map cannot be a hotspot (Ex: In front of PD).

Your group must own at least the front door of every house to megabase in that area

You can not block off any unique NPC (Any NPC where there is only one NPC on the map like Harvest buyer or the Cereal Statue).


So, you need 3 members of the same faction, cant be a hotspot, you need the front door of every base you are megabasing at, and you cant block off unique NPCs. You can establish a base in an area of sewer, but you cant do the whole sewer.

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