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King Updates

Ivory Partnaite

What you agree and disagree with.  

5 members have voted

  1. 1. Answers:

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    • I feel like 2# should be changed.
    • I feel like 3# should be changed.
    • I feel like 4# should be changed.
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    • I disagree with 2#
    • I disagree with 3#
    • I disagree with 4#
    • I agree with 1#
    • I agree with 2#
    • I agree with 3#
    • I agree with 4#

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#1 Unfun King




When the king is being selfish and hogs the kingdom to himself or has bullshit laws, you can use the command !kingexecution which will kill the king. There will have to be at least 8+ votes to execute the king as not that much people base or want to live in the kingdom.




Most of the time the King role is occupied by a hermit who takes the kingdom all for himself. You cannot base there, you cannot escape the mayor unless the mayor dies and cop will always be on your ass as a result of the kingdom being blocked off. 


How it would be used:


"#1 Kingdom is KOS besides king."


Player A: "Wow, what a dick!" ^




*Vote Tab comes up much like the mayors !unfun system*


"Not enough votes. 3/8" / "The King has been executed! 13/8 Votes"


Potential Modifications:


#1 Only the Kings Assassinator may "!kingexecution".

#2 Higher/Lesser max votes.

#3 Just skip this and make the King a vote job to prevent douche kings.


#2 King's Prince ∨ Princess


#1 Concept


The King will be able to pick someone to be a Prince/Princess, once they are picked they may decide whether or not they want to become it or not [ Like the thing with: {Chucky, Saw, Etc}. ] 

After they decide if they want to be the Prince/Princess they will be voted in by the community.

Why it is so hard to become it is because if the king dies by an Assassin they will become the new king instead of the Assassin, but, it the Assassin kills the Prince they will be demoted. Then the princess will be next in place to be the king/queen. 


If both Price and Princess die by the Assassin and he kills the King, then the Assassin becomes the King.


#2 Gameplay, Models & Items


#1 Gameplay

They are much like guards, they are higher than guards but lower than the king. The only command they can do is fire guards. The King cannot fire them as they are technically his kids, he may execute them though, he must have a reason for execution. For example: Witchcraft, Treason, Corruption, 'Not a disapreen enough, you rack ah disapreen.' [XD].


#2 Models

Prince: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1509091994&searchtext=prince

Princess: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=887256571&searchtext=princess


#3 Weapons

Prince: Sword, Crossbow & Stunstick

Princess: Duck SWEP, Frying Pan & Medkit


#3 Potential Modifications


#1 Different Models

#2 Different Weapons

#3 VIP Job

#4 Execution Command for the King


#3 Make the King's Assassin a Vote Job


The persons name wont be shown and the King & Guards wont be able to vote. [ To avoid good kings being killed by Assassins who are much worse. ]


#4 Make the King a vote job


Anyone will be able to vote and the name will be shown. [ To avoid bullshit selfish hermit douche kings. ]


1-4 of these will help Kings stay in their position if they are good and will prevent the Kingdom from being shitty. 


The Kingdom should be a place to escape corrupt mayors, not to have every land corrupted.

Edited by Ivory Partnaite
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-1 Personally I don't really think that any of these suggestions would be good for the server. The king execution thing is already a mechanic in place (King's Assassin). If you don't like the king then become assassin and dethrone him. The prince/princess part of this suggestion would completely ruin the point of having a kings assassin and I don't really think it would work well at all. Why should the assassin have to kill 3 people to take the throne? Also, the kings realm isn't necessarily a place to escape from laws, it's a place for the king to make his kingdom and if he wants to have KOS laws and stuff in place then he should be able to. I guess what I'm trying to say is if you don't like the kings laws then don't base in the kingdom.

Edited by Raccoons
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Not really onboard with any of these ideas. Kingdom is good how it is, we have a nice balance, and all of these things will ruin it. Kingdom is just supposed to be a megabase zone, whether its done by a single person or a group.


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King job and Assasination system are fine as is. If you want to be the king assassinate him and become it. Prince / Princess system seems pointless, doesn't appear to really add anything. Overall not a fan of these ideas.

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