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Maximum price on gun license


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There are really scummy mayor's that create bullshit laws. For example "Not having a gun license is a auto cuff and weapons search"

Wow thats not all too bad. You just ask to buy a license or assassinate the mayor after you ask for one! Well friend let me tell you something. YOU FUCKING CANT. THEY SELL THEM FOR 500k OR MORE.


Fireborn is a great example. He creates a bunch of really shitty laws that lower the player count because no one wants to fucking deal with him. He has an insane base dupe with like 20 one way checkpoints. There is nothing you can do about it. The cops love it so they just vote him back over and over again.



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If you see a law like that, I would call a sit. No law like that has ever been allowed. CP cannot cuff someone under any circumstances unless they know that player has a bounty by checking the CP bounty list or they see or are told about them performing a crime


Mayors are under no obligation to provide a gun license and owning a gun without a license is illegal by default. If the mayor allows you to purchase one at a high price, he is offering (very limited) freedom above the default law set.


If the PD has more fading doors than the MOTD allows to reach the end (3) minus fading windows/shooting windows, I would also call a sit.


Your post kinda boils down to complaining that people are breaking the rules. Sorry to hear that but we can't do anything unless we know about it.

Edited by Walter the Assaulter
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I mean a mayor making the cost for him giving you a gun license is completely allowed (but it would be against the rules if people would be arrested for simply not buying it) and is good roleplay to make it cost money, the mayor profits and it's just an option he can give to his city. The problem would lie if the mayor was making fail laws (like walter said) along the lines of "cp can randomly stungun/cuff to check for bounties/weapons or not having a gun license is aos" as this is not allowed in our rules. There's a reason unfun votes and revolts exist. A mayor being too hard to take over is completely subjective, many people have won revolts against draconian mayors, it's just a matter of skill. On a side note, even good bases are easy to raid. It's a matter of who is on the inside of the base. I've seen a completely new player with one of koda's dupes and i can win the raid almost instantly. But there's been times where i saw an experienced player using a bunziix/fence dupe and killed me instantly. You just have to know how to treat the situation. Use foods/max health talismen when dealing with people with strong legendary weapons and bombs.

Edited by Fuel
fixed wording
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9 minutes ago, Fuel said:

I mean this law is completely allowed and is good roleplay, the problem would lie if the mayor was making laws (like walter said) along the lines of "cp can randomly stungun/cuff to check for bounties/weapons" as this is not allowed in our rules. There's a reason unfun votes and revolts exist. A mayor being too hard to take over is completely subjective, many people have won revolts against draconian mayors, it's just a matter of skill. On a side note, even good bases are easy to raid. It's a matter of who is on the inside of the base. I've seen a completely new player with one of koda's dupes and i can win the raid almost instantly. But there's been times where i saw an experienced player using a bunziix/fence dupe and killed me instantly. You just have to know how to treat the situation. Use foods/max health talismen when dealing with people with strong legendary weapons and bombs.

Incorrect. A law like that would be a staff issue. 

Edit: He corrected grammar, I was mistaken!



I mean a mayor making the cost for him giving you a gun license is completely allowed and is good roleplay


Edited by Walter the Assaulter
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Just now, Walter the Assaulter said:

Incorrect. A law like that would be a staff issue. 

I was reffering to the law saying a gun license is 500k which i assume was a law, mb sorry for wording i will edit it

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1 minute ago, Fuel said:

I was reffering to the law saying a gun license is 500k which i assume was a law, mb sorry for wording i will edit it

I was referring to the law saying CP can cuff people for not paying the mayor a random 500k ransom. The gun license fee is fine, that's all RP.

Edited by Walter the Assaulter
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yeah i meant to say that the gun license fee is allowed. i wasn't referring to the ransom law

i was writing this on the toilet with my mobile phone i tried my best :frowning: 

Edited by Fuel
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