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Talismans need a revamp, whether you like it or not. Here are some ideas:


Name: Quick Grab

As Picolas Cage any cereal obtained will go into your inventory instead of onto the floor


Name: ?

Your position is relayed to Batman 3x slower than normal.


Name: Professional Fisher

When fishing, you have a chance to duplicate the caught fish (Like the gang one for enchanting.) Only works for actual fish.


Name: High Tolerance

You can use two more Talismans than normal. (Only one counting this) Doesn’t stack.


Name: Alien Molestation

As a Spooky Alien or Alien race, you are immune to damage ten seconds after kissing.


Name: Tough Props

When disguised as a prop using the Disguise SWEP, you take half as much damage and require more bullets to be forced out of your disguise.


Name: Long Arms

Your Kidnapping SWEP reaches 50% farther than normal. (And maybe doesn’t make a sound when you kidnap someone?)


Name: Michael Phelps

You swim 75% faster.


Name: Cheetah

When sprinting, you move as fast as CP do (don’t know the exact amount), but you have a set amount of stamina.


Name: Leech

Every time you deal damage to someone you have a 25% chance to heal 1/3 of your damage. If full HP, health is given into armor.


Name: Good ear

When playing as a CP, money printers aren’t silent to you, and have a 150% increased noise radius.


Name: Professional Treasure Hunter

As a Treasure Hunter, you can find the loot box 50% further away than normal.


Name: Wow!

As Doge, your “Wow Brick” does increased damage


Name: Professional Necrophiliac Necromancer

As a Necromancer you are 50% less likely to spawn a hostile mob. Reviving a player gives you max HP and armor.


Name: Professional *********

As a *********, pissed babies do 50% less damage to you


Name: Professional Hobo

As a Hobo, your wheelchair moves 200% faster and is unlockpickable


Name: I wear my seatbelt

As any job, a cop cannot battering ram you outside of a vehicle unless they have a warrant on you or the vehicle owner.


Name: No more suicide

As a Spirit Caller, extracting sprit jars from yourself no longer deals damage to you.


I really like the idea of job specific talismans and I think they would make a great addition to the server.

Edited by Tuss
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idk, there's already 25 talis, and adding yours there would be 42??? 43??? I cant count. This is way too many and I already don't even use majority of the talis that I have in my bank an example of some of the useless ones are 


Big punch, martyrdom, Double jump, Fast crack, No sound, Damage TP, Free printer upgrades, Free PD stuff, No arrest, No hack, 

and these are the ones that I don't see anyone or myself using in game. 


And and for the ones you suggested, I think these wouldn't be of use

? (the second tali), Professional Fisher, Alien Molestation, Tough Props, Michael Phelps, Cheetah, Good ear, Wow!, I wear my seatbelt.


Shouldn't be too hard to see why most of these talis are useless, and or if not useless only used to fuck around and or could be easily abused, like the "Alien Molestation" 10 seconds of no dmg? if i see people trying to shoot me after kissing someone, I can just pull out a gun and kill them.

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I do agree talismans could use some changes. Abstergo hit it, a lot of them are mostly useless and only helpful in specific situations.


Removing some of the useless ones for more helpful or fun effects is a good idea.

Long Arms, Leech, Good Ear would be good talisman ideas. Some of your suggestions seem like they may be better suited to perks/talents though, like Pro Necrophiliac, No More Suicide, Tough Props, Pro Hobo. I don't think having talismans for specific jobs is necessarily a good idea unless it's for a job class like CP, Weird Jobs, etc in order to give people more of a reason to use them.


+1 change up talismans
preemptive +1 whatever cool ideas people might come up with in this thread

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4 hours ago, Extinct Species said:

easily abused, like the "Alien Molestation" 10 seconds of no dmg? if i see people trying to shoot me after kissing someone, I can just pull out a gun and kill them

I didn't really think about that. I guess it could be where you deal no damage as well. I was intended on this to be something so you can run away and hide after molesting someone.

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2 hours ago, Walter the Assaulter said:

Some of your suggestions seem like they may be better suited to perks/talents though

Yeah, I get this, but I feel like we have a shit ton of gang perks already and I don't think we need more.

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4 hours ago, Extinct Species said:

idk, there's already 25 talis, and adding yours there would be 42??? 43??? I cant count. This is way too many and I already don't even use majority of the talis that I have in my bank an example of some of the useless ones are 

Yeah I wasn't intended on getting every single one of my suggestions added, it's just a starting point to maybe replace the useless ones like you said.

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4 hours ago, Extinct Species said:

Big punch, martyrdom, Double jump, Fast crack, No sound, Damage TP, Free printer upgrades, Free PD stuff, No arrest, No hack, 

and these are the ones that I don't see anyone or myself using in game. 

I use Big Punch, Martydom, and Double Jump a lot.

Big Punch is OP as fuck and I use it when PD raiding lmfao
Martydom is what I use when I base because I go afk a lot and it sucks to come back to a red screen with all my shit missing and not being able to spawn it back in. Martydom allows you to destroy your shit in raid without it being against the rules.

Double Jump is just fun.

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