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A pro's guide to mic spam (sugar forgive me)

Narf gets krunk

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hey, gang. Its time to get nice and toasty by the fire with your old pappy, Narf.


I really like this server, and I have really mastered everything that you can master in it (except abusing my administrator privilages, thats blacknoba's job).

But when you master everything, there is really nothing else you can do other than just fuck around. I resort to micspam.


Micspam is when, well, you really fuck with peoples ears. 

Its my art, and I'm going to teach you all my greatest secret:




so first you want to NOT use stereo mix at all costs, because it is useless and it is pretty fucking awful (it echos everything that goes on on your computer)

then once you become a grade A pussy slayer by not doing that you can start actually preparing to micspam. 

ok here are the real steps;

1. have a phone you cheap shit

2. go to any department store and pick up a decent auxiliary cord (aka AUX cord) that has an ok length (like enough to have your phone in a decent location when you are playing different songs).

3. Head to your computer. where else would you go you fucking retard?

5. plug that shit into your phone and your computer like so; 


29. turn on your phone.

1999999999999999999999999999999999999999. start playin those phat beets yo







you are now a fucking disappointment 





















good job. 

























:heart:  - Narf




-edit- there also is this annoying command that keeps your mic on called 


it may help

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1. play darkrp normally 

2. play darkrp normally

3. play darkrp normally




dude you treat it like its an attack on your sanity,

homes its just a prank chill out 

micspam is just for fun, not to torture you guys just be chill and live a little. 

maybe if your thumb wasn't 100 miles into your ass

it would be funny 





but i guess you a toasty ass nigga.

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I tried making the sound @ 0:15 in the video and popped a blood vessel. Is it needed for this tutorial to work and should I still be making the sound @ 0:18 while plugging in the cord? Thanks and pls respond fast1!!1






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I tried making the sound @ 0:15 in the video and popped a blood vessel. Is it needed for this tutorial to work and should I still be making the sound @ 0:18 while plugging in the cord? Thanks and pls respond fast1!!1






you need memes, its the only way. 

it has to be a quick injection

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i think that the best part about this post is the noises he made while plugging in the aux cord. Another thing, he says " plug that shit into your phone and your computer like so; "

And he names the you tube video " How to plug in a funny looking cord" Are you stupid or are you stupid?

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