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[Changelog] DarkRP Server


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February 10th Changelog

  • Supporters can now add optional text descriptions to their Auction House listings
  • Performing a weapons check on a staff member will no longer detect the unarrest stick
  • You can now convert food, iron, sapphire, gold, and diamonds into shipments
  • !unfun votes against the Mayor now need ~10% less votes to succeed
  • Players will earn XP for contributing to an !unfun vote against the current Mayor
  • The !unfun vote modal appears more prominently on screen, reflects the new UI scheme, and includes the current laws
  • Players can now purchase gun licenses from the BeyondPoverty™ panel in the PD lobby
  • Fixed a bug where blocking custom playermodels by category would fail to block most models in that category
  • Made it so the door HUD and door owners will appear on garage doors and grates
  • Batman's distance is now displayed in feet rather than hammer units
  • Fixed a bug where the food models may fall through the stove when creating a recipe
  • Fixed a bug where the ingredients panel may collide with the stove model
  • You may now add food to stoves in shipment form
  • Police K9 can now use the piss swep and has a unique sound and animation
  • Weapon buffs from food now apply to all equipped weapons but will clear on death or if hit by a holy hand grenade
  • Players can now spawn a random fishing circle as a Picolas Cage wish using cereal 
  • Added SLogs for weapons checks and weapons confiscations
  • RP jail time is now hard-capped at 5 minutes, regardless of bounty amount
  • The cooldown for using food buffs is now reset upon death
  • When consuming meth that reduces damage taken, the effect lasts 10 seconds and plays an audible notification when expired
  • Reduced the damage mitigation of special meth by 25%
  • Increased the cost to buy out the mayor via the Suga Shop 
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February 12th Changelog

  • Players with a bounty under $20,000 can now pay their fine via the BeyondPoverty™ portal in the PD lobby. Police officers and the mayor will all receive a cut
  • Supporters that did not have the VIP rank prior now have access to all VIP jobs by default
  • If a party member joins a revolt against the PD and you have the party color override enabled, their revolt color should take priority over the party color
  • Fixed a bug where party colors & revolt colors would not work on models if the player had blocked them in the model switcher
  • Fixed a bug when a player purchases a weapon license from the BeyondPoverty™ portal it would not update their HUD
  • Fixed a bug where the item description box in the Auction House may be greyed out for some users even though they were able to use it
  • Fixed a bug where Auction House item descriptions would fail to load after the player left the server and reconnected
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February 14th Changelog

  • These changes & values are subject to change
  • All player damage is now scaled down by 50% and temporarily disabled buying it via the Suga Shop
  • Damage food reduction decreased from 50% --> 25%
  • Fixed a bug where if an enchanted weapons fire rate was lower than the server's tick rate it would shoot extremely fast
  • Fixed a bug where some pre-nerf enchanted weapons would not have their stats updated to reflect the new min and max values
  • "Unite To Protect" talent damage boost decreased from 15% to 5%
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February 18th Major Changelog [Gang Update]

  • Completely overhauled the Gang UI. It is now accessible via the F4 menu
  • Added quests that gang members can work together to complete and can redeem rewards
  • Gangs now include a gang bank to store items. All gang members may deposit items into the bank from the dashboard. Owner can withdraw
  • Added a new gang leaderboard. Gangs earn points by completing gang quests. The top three gangs each week receive random rewards
  • New players can now request to join your gang directly from the gang dashboard if they do not have a gang of their own
  • Added new gang upgrades. Gangs can now purchase additional player slots, talent points, and expand their gang bank
  • Fixed the radio station tab on the Boombox, made it show US stations first, and added a loading bar when fetching stations
  • Playing a station via the boombox menu will now make a request to increase the station's play count
  • Fixed a bug where your bounty target may still be displayed on your screen after changing jobs
  • Fixed a bug where the mayor could revoke your weapons license but it may not be reflected in the HUD or PD lobby portal
  • Revert changes to the votes needed for a successful !unfun
  • Removed the gang NPC from the map
  • Patched an exploit 83a42f9
  • Angry -1 1
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  • Rubik pinned this topic

February 21st Changelog

  • Fixed gang leaderboards not displaying the right data
  • Gangs will now earn leaderboard points for winning a gang war
  • Gang quests refresh 50% faster
  • Gangs will now automatically be given a point for completing a quest (no longer need to claim reward)
  • Reduced gang quest requirements by around 65%
  • Fixed a bug where the gang war menu would display gangs who’s owner is no longer online
  • Fixed a bug where some gangs with players over the max limit would error out when trying to open the gang menu
  • Fixed a lua error when trying to upgrade a gang bank but the panel is no longer valid for some reason
  • Fixed a bug where if you tried to rename your gang to the same name it would take your money and error out
  • Fixed a bug where when re-rolling gang talents, the menu would display the incorrect number of available points (usually 1 extra)
  • Fixed a bug where some gang quests would not give progress if the quest id had a trailing number 
  • Fixed a bug where the gang menu would display levels beyond the max (70)
  • Fixed a bug where the gang quest progress would be displayed as a fraction and not a whole percentage 
  • Only players over a certain playtime or that are verified can use voteban / votekick
  • Fixed lua error when loading in caused by a change to the x64 branch 
  • Trying to mug in spawn will no longer trigger a cooldown when it fails
  • Removed special materials from random drops
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  • 2 weeks later...

March 4th Changelog [Easter Update]

  • Added Easter Battlepass with 50 tiers, pets, chat tags, clothing, and emotes
  • Added 20+ supporter models
  • Added a craftable entity "Skeleton Key". Unlock any door with your keys
  • Easter eggs will spawn around the map. Crush them to earn XP
  • Reduced the cooldown on gang wars 
  • Updated the menu for buying lootboxes with XP to match the new UI scheme
  • MOTD menu UI improvements
  • Re-added scratch-offs to the pd panel
  • Reduced the requirements needed to votekick/ban
  • Enabled votemute for VIP and verified users
  • Fixed a bug where the "disable HUD" toggle in settings did not hide all HUD elements
  • Fixed mayor votes displaying incorrect values if failed
  • Fixed a rare lua error with pets
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  • 2 weeks later...

March 13th Changelog

  • Disbanding your gang while in a gang war will automatically grant your opponent a win
  • Fixed a bug where the number of gang wars you participated in was not updating in the gang menu
  • Made it so if a gang war fails to start, better logging in chat should give you a reason why
  • Fishing inside of a circle with a carbon rod will give you the special fish & XP/quest/bp progress
  • Fixed a bug where punching an easter egg with your fists would not give battlepass progress
  • Fixed a bug where some players would not be networked which players had a firearms license
  • Fixed a bug where XP Sessions were an hour off due to the server not recognizing daylight savings time
  • Fixed Abomination job description to show the correct cooldown time (10 minutes, not 20)
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March 17th Changelog

  • Added 15 Days of Tits easter raffle. All XP you earn until April 1st will enter you into a raffle to win one or more prizes
  • Improved UI scaling and fonts on MacOS and lower resolution displays
  • Suga Shop option to buy out the mayor is reverted to it's original price
  • Fixed a typo inside of a gang quest reward
  • Minor inventory frame QOL improvements
  • Fixed a rare issue where the button to close a menu might not be visible
  • Fixed an issue where the titsrp dashboard looked like ass on smaller resolutions such as iPads
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March 19th Changelog

  • Added a toggle switch which will allow you to buy XP lootboxes in bulk using all of your pooled XP
  • Players can now physgun their own airboats and yachts as long as it is inside the ocean
  • If there is at least 1 staff online and they're not AFK, you must confirm that you want to proceed with a vote kick/ban
  • Added CasinoKit blackjack table and increased max bet to 500k on both tables
  • Players are assigned ownership and are able to physgun weapons that are dropped from the hotbar
  • Collecting money from min-printers will now grant progress towards battlepass tiers
  • Selling items directly from a lootbox will now count towards "Sold Goods to General Buyer" XP pool
  • Selling items from a lootbox will honor the "Barter" gang talent which increases the value of the item
  • Equipping a metal detector will swap you to first person automatically
  • Fixed ultra's rail gun sound not being audible on the client + added it as a default swep to the CC editor
  • Fixed an issue where if you opened the f4 menu too quickly, duplicate pages would be created
  • Fixed an issue where you may be unable to claim a gang quest reward if one or more gang members were offline
  • Fixed a typo in the lightsaber's inventory item description
  • Fixed an issue where if you were Mayor and tried to fire a cop while they were cuffed, the server would not demote them
  • Fixed an issue were players could bypass spawn protection in a corner of the spawn area
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March 25th Changelog

  • Made it so you can sell armor packs in entity/gun shelves
  • Fixed kidnapping boxes not giving you back all of your items
  • Kidnappers will auto swap to the box swep on successful kidnap
  • Fixed an issue where staff would be able to !refund handcuffs if the player was cuffed when they died
  • Fixed an issue were the grim reaper could kill players above 30hp under rare circumstances
  • Fixed an issue were pets could equip certain weapons from their inventory if the wep was using a unique base
  • Fixed an issue where you could have food with extremely long names that would cause clientside lag and result in data loss
  • Fixed a lua error when searching for an item in your inventory if you typed a special character
  • Fixed an issue where you may crash when opening the motd or joining the server for the first time
  • Fixed a bug with the stacker tool which could cause your client to crash
  • Fixed an issue where demolitionist would not appear in the F4 menu
  • Added additional safety checks to stacker and advdupe2 to prevent crashes
  • Buying XP Lootboxes in bulk will give quest progression for the total number of boxes
  • Fixed a critical issue with the gang system that could cause the database to lose connection 
  • Fixed an issue where the gang leaderboards would grant the wrong rewards for 2nd and 3rd place
  • Increased contrast globally for white text to improve visibility
  • Add inventory description for tiny armor packs
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