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johnny rebel

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Our community wasn't big enough and our community is too young and close minded to accept the harsh changes of dropping money on death and placing money in the ATM.


I was ignorant to make the huge leap from something so silly to something semi-serious. But I guess the end result is that the server isn't dead. Switching back to this map and gameplay was such a quick revival.


If you ever wanted to play something like what I was trying to achieve, go buy / download Arma 3 and play on a life server on Lakeside or something. Good times.


Never for one second think this is what I want for the server. But unfortunately, it's the way it has to be....which is fine in a sense. I love gmod, I love darkrp, I love this community but boy do I hate why people like my server.


This also just happend as I was typing this.


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Sugar, you should if you have the files for the other server and open it up and don't tell us it exists. Create a second steam account for it and run it under a different name. Have that server grow it's own community and staff and shit so it attracts the right crowd. That server's setup was really good but the community you have here was not fit for it. I recommend if you actually do this remove custom classes because that's a whole world of heck you don't need to double XD

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Sugar, you should if you have the files for the other server and open it up and act like it doesn't exist. have a second life  and have that server grow it's own community and staff and shit so it attracts the right crowd. That server's setup was really good but the community you have here was not fit for it. I recommend if you actually do this remove custom classes because that's a whole world of heck you don't need to double XD


That would fail on so many levels. I don't have the money to open up a second server. I already tried it before and it crashed and burned. The only reason why this change had a chance was because of the community it already has. We were maxing at 50 people hour HOURS on end. I am talking for 4 - 5 hours the server would be at 48 - 50 players and on weekends, 10 - 12 hours.


I assumed 50% - 60% of the playerbase would leave. Still, having 20 - 30 players on constantly will and can grow a community. Having a playerbase of 0 - 3 players for hours on end on a huge map doesn't appeal to anyone. I honestly did not think it was possible to just lose everyone like that within a day or so. It was really such a scary thing to witness.


Custom classes are honestly making the server into the deathmatch it is now and the really hard part is that I can't do to much to restrict that. If all of the players were using VIP jobs and regular jobs, I don't think it would be as insane. But again, that's what people like..I don't know. I think I am just getting too old for this gameplay. That doesn't mean I won't stop supporting the server but our two head admins don't like playing on the server because it doesn't appeal to them anymore. 


And I would be a lying piece of shit if I said I ever wanted to play on my server within the past 4 - 5 months. (Except for the evocity update, that had so much potential). I remember being able to be really excited to play on my server but it really has lost its touch and every old(er) player can vouch for me on that. No one likes the map, gameplay is shit and there is nothing to do, yet everyone just goes ballistic.


We are just a generic darkrp server locked into this whirpool of memes and xD and :3


Every post I make about the EvoCity I sound more and more like a bitch. I have the ability to change everything to the way I want it to be but that would kill the server. We are never switching maps and we will never switch from this stupid gamemode of "who can kill the most people and build the best base" until I have the motivation to really think about this. But after that Evocity update, boy am I bummed the fuck out. Maybe I will do something in a few months.

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I second that it has lost its touch. I put in over 250+ hours into this server over the summer and went from a simple 500 hours on gmod to over 1000. Now it's lost it's touch. Plus, as an Admin I have do deal with all the plague worthy shit that goes down on this Deathmatch server. I used to love doing sits back over the summer. It made me feel like I was making a true difference in the server. Now it feels like I'm just cutting off one minge or mass rdmer and waiting for the next one to come.


Evocity was a break for me. I had minimal RDM related sits and all the others were helping new players. I felt like I was making a real difference. Then we switched back and it feels like I'm only slowing down the powerhouse that is the troll.


In 8 days I will have been playing on this server almost continuously for 10 months. On May 18th will mark one whole year I have spent here. I hope to stay for many more years to come. It just got a bit boring on downtown.

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Same in like a month when the player base goes back to 40-50 players in going to make a petition to bring Evo city back. Not with the job NPC or lvling because that's the main reason why people started leaving. Another thing that shouldn't be brought back is crafting, people fucking hated that, no offense Sugar. So basically the server we have now with just a new map. And definitely keep the f4 menu lol, and the cops were dank

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Same in like a month when the player base goes back to 40-50 players in going to make a petition to bring Evo city back. Not with the job NPC or lvling because that's the main reason why people started leaving. Another thing that shouldn't be brought back is crafting, people fucking hated that, no offense Sugar. So basically the server we have now with just a new map. And definitely keep the f4 menu lol, and the cops were dank


 We are never switching maps 


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If you ever wanted to play something like what I was trying to achieve, go buy / download Arma 3 and play on a life server on Lakeside or something. Good times.

I can't afford Arma 3 rip

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