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A way to handle the update


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Think of TitsRP as just a standalone game being developed by Rolling Over Cats Gaming, with Sugar K. Tits as the only developer.


Now consider the update to Evocity is an Early Access model in the current state it's in. The only difference is its free and the developer actually cares about it and the players.

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Well, a lot of people seem to say "It's in beta, I will wait until it gets polished"


What is wrong that makes you guys think its "beta" just because I want to add more content doesn't make it a "beta". Just because I am planning to fix bugs and help you guys by giving you back your money doesn't mean it's "beta". I agree that the update may not have everything you're looking for right now..but if that is the case, what ARE you looking for?


Just because as of right now you can't build a silly money printer doesn't mean it's "unfinished". It was fully intended to leave it out until I thought of a better system, although I may just add something like that back. Also, a lot of people are saying "There is no good way to make money right now, I am out until there is". Just because 60 million in Downtown was a lot does not mean 100k - 200k in this update is not. Plus, Blake got like 60k from selling opium yesterday, my ass there is not a "good way" to make money.


While the update was "rushed" to an extent because of my absolute overload of school work, I think the general viewpoint is there in the server. The people saying they don't like it and they want to wait until it's "polished" is kinda silly. Most of the major issues have been fixed plus any money you make will just be added onto what you're getting back if the reason you're not playing is because of the lacking of the money you have.


I don't want to say this but I will say this anyways. I told you guys before, this update will either make or break us. It's obvious it has broken us to a massive extent since we maxed at like what...15 people today? Don't think I am oblivious to the fact that no one wants to play on a server that they worked so hard on only to get their money taken away, yet I don't think that would cause 60% of the server in general to just stop playing.


If you don't like something, please voice yourself. Everyone is saying "I am leaving, this update sucks". What in the heck do you want me to do with that? You want me to just "unsuck it"? I mean, given the people who ARE saying that are the kids this update is NOT trying to appeal to and I am glad they are getting the point. But a few of you are leaving without word. I am not telling you all to "play" on the server but the one fact you guys do not understand is: If people do not play on the server, people will not join the server. People don't join an empty server which means population goes down which means ranking goes down, ect.


I would love to appeal to everyone that does love a little more serious RP but it's hard when people just say "it sucks, bye bye". Plus it's also hard to get server work done when you're beyond the definition of overloaded with everything else.

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being tottally Honest i HATED the update when i first joined but after an hour or so i FUCking LOVED it after i learned what everything was all about instead of just thinking "he just made everything harder" i realized yea some things are harder But THATs The point RP  isnt about just joining picking a job and then basing forever Its about the challenges an d the rewards



Also sugar said he was looking to aim this update to get more "mature players" and i think thats exactly what he did i can guarantee  you that most of the people that are like" eww its terrible eww change it back" are ignorant little kids who are to fucking arrogant to actually work for shit

as for the money reset i think it was good i mean in the new update you're meant to want a new car or the most money not just have uit all handed to you from money you Farmed before 

i mean how fucking boring would it be to already have everything you wanted i mean it gives you 0 motivation to actually do the things that sugar added in the new update, so if you had all your money the update would litterally be useless



so basically if you dont like that update or you're to much of a little bitch to get over your money being reset FUCKING LEAVE its not like we're forcing you to stay and complain

btw im not replying to any comments because 100% of them would just be little bitches saying im wrong

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After reading what tits said, I told myself: Did I sounded that rude by saying beta? If I did, I apologise. 

(I said it seemed like a beta some hours ago in another thread)




But beta for me means: The first version of something/Releasing something new



We are trying something new, and I know everyone said their opinion and stuff, but I personally like the idea of where we are going.


Me and Saanix always loved Roleplay (RP) things, we always have dungeons & dragons session at his house with other peoples. and I used to do medieval's costumed rpg with 100-200 people every week at my local park, think of it has DarkRp BUT IN REAL LIFE, WITH EVERYONE COSTUMED AND RP'ING AS THEIR CHARACTER (oh god my Spider-Child was loved by everyone, even though its a evil race and we are supposed to get killed on sight, I managed to get loved by paladins,I got my right as a civilian rolf, those were good times)


What I mean by that is, ME AND SAANIX love rp, and when we saw people actually rp'ing. We were happy.


He wasnt coming on the server cuz: *its always raiding, and no actual rp, ill come back when this gets updated*



Well, the update made his come back as soon as I said: Hey, there is RP now. (well he said he would come back more often)



In a nutsheck, the server is that: If you like RP, welcome and have fun !

                                               : You want deathmatch? Fuck you :D ! 


I don't know what future awaits for this server, but for my opinion, being able to actually RP is something I have searched for a long time.




Last thing (again)


If I sounded rude by saying Beta,I deeply apologise.


Saying *waiting for it to be polished* is actually stupid, some stuff already got fixed. So uh yeah good job me.

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Honestly, Before the update I thought the money system was broken.  What most people did in downtown was make a base that cannot be raided, put money printers/bit coin miners, and maybe make some meth.  The only thing that made any of that fun was actually making the meth.


In my eyes, the server before was kinda boring. Money was inflated and it was a big death match.  Most of the jobs weren't being used, for example: There was never a PD.


Now the server is amazing!!!!!!!!


The server expands on the crafting, the server expands all the jobs, and in my opinion making money takes a lot more work.


Now I'm going to state facts of what I've been reading and hearing people say on the server/forums.

  • "I've been farming money for sooo long to get this new custom weapon and this new update fucked me in the ass!"
    - Like I stated, I believed that the money was inflated and was way to easy to make.  Also, When you first started the server in downtown, you had 0$.  Just make the money back and stop crying!
  • "The new weapon swap is garbage!"
    -Honestly, I actually love the new weapon swap; however, if I had to say one thing is that it takes forever to switch from one weapon to another.  If sugar is reading this, I know you love the weapon swap; however, I believe that maybe you should lower the timer on the weapon swap

In conclusion, I believe that this new update is a huge upgrade from downtown!

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