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Oil Driller


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I was thinking that a good idea of a job, would be like a legal version of meth, Oil Drilling! At the moment in the server, making money is a very bland process, and you don't have many choices on what way you want to make cash via a job specific thing, the only ones that we have it: Weapon Enchanting, Farmer, Master Meth Cook, Possibly the Spirit Caller, with of course the non-specific job money makers, like procs and printers. I feel like that the oil driller, being a legal way to make a good amount of money, would be a great add to the server. I don't think it should make more than meth, but maybe like 75% of how much meth makes, so that it wouldn't be just completely better than meth, just a safer option.

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This is a really great idea, I love using the oil drills on other servers when I did play them, was a really cool thing to do and try out, but like Voltz said, we already have a lot of money making entities and I doubt they’d think about adding more as of now.

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While this does add a new moneymaking option that is legal. I feel this will just go the way of the bitminer and be thrown out of the meta simply due to it being not as efficient as the old-fashioned mega-base with printers, mini-printers, procs, BITMINERS, drugs, and meth all at once. This is why meth is better, you can do it with other illegal things inside a protected base that cops barely even care about because it's too far from PD which is where they hang around because of the constant stampede of evil jaywalkers and PD raiders. The threat of police against a cheap dupe (like 4-5mil value) is minuscule as all of them make it possible to kill them with no risk to yourself and like I said they are too busy fining people for bounties. And even if you plan to make it so you can do it anywhere in a base, meth is better cuz you have to pick between both, and meth would give you more for your time with no consequence. 



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