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Paid Mods

Kenny McCormick

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Why is this even a thing? It really should not be allowed because it allows people with money to buy there way into power and really if they have to buy mod just to get it most of the time they should not have it. does not matter if the server need the money or not that is not the right way to be getting it. Am I the only one who thinks this way?

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It doesn't work exactly how you think. Paid mods first become a trial mod. This is the stage where they are spectated to make sure there is no abuse of power, they are going to sits and they are handling them well. If someone says "I AM A MODERATOR" and they don't have the Moderator tag next to their name, they are a trial mod. It takes a LONG time for trial mods to even get anywhere if they get a SINGLE report on them or they are just not doing anything in general. Buying trial mod does NOT guarantee you will become a moderator, I would say 50% make it there and 50% don't. Even if they DO make it to mod, I would say another 50% get demoted once their mod because they think "I can do w/e I want now"


The people who are currently trial mod have been trial mod for 1 or 2 weeks at this point because they have received reports on them. Now the reports are nothing serious like abusing noclip, cloaking themselves (they can't do that but you get my point), so they will remain a trial mod until further notice.


Now the majority of the people who buy trial mod are actually not smart. The option to buy "Trial Mod" is to get past the application process which takes a week or two. Most of them either just abuse until demoted or just don't go to sits and complain how they can't use VIP jobs. BUT we have had a LOT of REALLY GOOD moderators come out of this. Such as:


Crt, Taj, Billy Bob, DJ Chaos, Chief, Kevin, Silent Commando


Those are some off the top of my head but there is a really good list of them if you want me to look all them up. If I was on more, I would be able to accurately inspect these new trial mods but I am doing other stuff. I should be playing in a few days. 


I never condone buying mod unless you know what you're doing and you have spoken to me. The past 3 trial mods have not spoken to me at all and just purchased it which doesn't exactly leave the best impression. If they are abusing, please let me know. Its not my intention to "milk money" or make the server P2W. They will be punished.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If it makes you feel any better, a lot of our paid mods are literally aids and they abuse when I'm not on, so unless someone gives definitive proof, they're pretty much "innocent" even though I've seen a lot of them do really retarded stuff.


If I'm ever in game and you see them abusing, just pm me, don't use @ chat and I'll spectate them and we'll see how it goes from there. If it's majorly disruptive, I'll ban them.

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