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Scrap Processors


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What are they for? I saw an old post about scrap material and the scrap processors being readded, but beyond that it seems like there is no info on them. I've tried putting in trash, guns, shipments, props, tokens, cars, and printers without anything happening. I'm obsessed and going mad because of it.

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"Scrap Material" was a precursor to trash (the stuff you get from the hobo dumpsters). The initial plan was to have scrap material spawn in trash cans around the map and while mining / fishing. It could be used at a crafting table to make more valuable / rare items or be used to upgrade existing items such as the fishing pole (ie Carbon Fishing Rod). You can still get scrap material from processors, loot crates and fishing. The purpose of the Scrap Processor was to have a way for players to sell their scrap material if they didn't care to craft anything with it. You can still sell scrap material to the processor for around $5,000 per and you will get some XP too for "recycling".

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Another idea was to put rocks into the processor and you could get scrap material in return, which would be used for crafting.


@"Walter the Assaulter" this is what scrap material looks like. I just confirmed I was able to drop this into the processor and I got $5000 and XP.



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