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My DarkRP Experience


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Welcome to Tits :)


Thank you so much. 


Could someone tell me whom I should contact regarding donating my server plugins? I am not seeking anything in return, I am not allowed to sell them because that would be a violation of the license, I just want to contribute to this amazing community.

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That was me buddie thats just how I handle all the sits I take Thank you  - B MONEY


Yes this was def the guy, Id remember that cocky attitude any day. :P <3 so was that a hard no to being BFFs?

Staff responded within 5 secs :0 no way! Ha just kidding welcome to titsrp


I didn't say 5, I wasn't running a stop watch. I mean realistically it was like 45 seconds which is still mind blowing if we are being honest. And thank you for your warm welcome. <3

Staff are likely going to warn me for not posting this in the introductions section the way this is going. xD

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Our top priority is high FPS and minimal load times. We heavily limit the amount of addons we're going to add to the server for a better player experience.

If you want to contact me on discord I can go into more detail on this, but I do want to thank you for your offer! Just enjoy your time with us and if you need anything feel free to contact us on Discord or use @message in game!

Discord Info: https://discord.gg/ceN6ytn

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