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The Nerf Of Myers

Cosmic Nova

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I do not think he needs a nerf, heres why. You must be randomly chosen to become myers which rarely happens. Secondly, if you want to become a legacy job at will, you must craft a legacy forger. A single Legacy forger requires a rare gem and even if you muster the courage to waste a rare gem on a legacy forger, you still only have a 25% chance of even becoming him. Getting myers is not a common occurrence at all. You rarely see one every two days or so. The chances to randomly be selected as any legacy job are very very slim. So why make a job thats already rare and hard to obtain have to jump through hoops just to play as him.


On the immunity thing, theres lots of jobs that can KOS with being kosed first. Shark, Crab, sewer monster, Pissed baby to a Pedo (who cannot kos until the baby hits him) and these arent even legacy jobs, you can become them at any time. 


Another note id like to add, I NEVER under any circumstances will kos a player that spawns with less than 75 health. Something should be implemented to avoid having to use discretion, but thats best addressed in a different post.



Maybe it was just me then because I've been fucked with by multiple myers every day so far, I don't base with raidables and every day have some myers who comes and kills me over and over. I had to file a harassment case for one myers and I've had to deal with plenty more. I just laid out some ideas people could agree or disagree on in this thread. Maybe a speed buff and a invlock?

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I'm regards to making him KOS to chucky I would much prefer giving Jigsaw an additional job rather than give chucky more people hecsn waste, as its already atleast 3 different jobs. Jigsaw has the !sleep command but when he is on cool down or just around allowing him to take on Michael wouldn't be too bad imo

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Just had this happen, this Michael named Aiden equipped a sniper rifle and is just laying into people with less than 75 from a distance it was only like 2 people but it was still a lil kek, Wasn't really a big deal for him to do it just don't like seeing it. Hes back to using the knife though. :[

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