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Rename the ebola sickness to corona virus


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There is a bunch of content that relates to memes / on going things in the real world that are definitely outdated now



  • Doge
  • John Cena
  • The printer sound (I think its the crash bandicoot wowowow sound)
  • Ebola
  • Dat Boi
  • Snoop Dogg

I think the change is good.


Also to your point Cobaselic, I think at most its bringing awareness to it which in reality doesn't do anything since 90% of gmod is definitely under the age of 20 and I just blocked China from using this website since it was being attacked so I don't think we can legally get the disease.


Common caronavirus's can be treated so lets say its just a common one instead of the China one.


EDIT: Also the virus itself is not extremely deadly. People are recovering on their own. The people who are dying have weak immune systems (such as the elderly)

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