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Auction NPC


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While you can just sell shit to gen buyer / players, I think an NPC that allows you to auction off your shit could be pretty nice. It would ideally work a lot like the cc editor combined with the trade menu. 

My vision of how it would work

Click on the Auctions NPC

View auctions or Create an auction

If create an auction you drag whatever item/items it is to the box/boxes on the screen. 

Start Auction

What will you make your starting price (Min 0, Max 25,000,000) <— could be no limit your choice

are you sure you want to auction this item? You can’t get it back from the auction menu once clicking ok

clicking ok will now show your auctioned item or items on the Recent and View Auctions page, to prevent spam there could be a limit to how many auctions a player can make and maybe a certain time limit like a week for auctions. If ur auction is sold when u next come online you will have received the cash and if you bought an auction you go up to the npc and press Redeem or something to have the item placed into your inventory (like lootcrate npc). 

You would be able to search by player or by item name (Enchanted guns idk)

Overall I’ve wanted something like this for a while as you could trade with players you never see due to time zones or people you never speak to

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