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Diamond Dogs, Civil Protection Department. || TheDD

Kamala Gekido

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Started March 2017

Informational and Recruitment Info

Welcome to the Official Informational and Recruitment Thread of TheDD. Here you can find all basic information about TheDD and how to become a Member.

Basic Information

Gang Level: 71

Member Count: 

Specialization: Civil Protection

Qualities: Police-Style Rank System, Joining Incentives, RP Events, CC's for Officers, Memes

Who are we?

The Diamond Dogs (TheDD) is the server's top cop gang filled with passionate CPs who enjoy being the authority of Downtown. We strive to promote well-being and goodness and also having some casual fun as cops in a more diverse and competent fashion than in the CPD alone.

Why should you join us?

We are the leading Police Group in the city with a competitive level and vast amount of resources. Our competitive level means many benefits and perks for you to make use of during your time in TheDD. TheDD is also quite lenient in terms of rules and code of conduct. By joining TheDD, you are joining an organized police force with the goal of keeping Downtown Tits in order, a police force that has the resources to expend and the experience to make sure each PD raid is a raid that fails, and a police force that, at the end of the day, wants everyone to have fun being a cop. Some of our qualities that set us aside from other organized groups in the city is our Police-Style Rank System, Joining Incentives such as Bonus Pay, RP Events, CC's for Officers, and the best Memes of any TitsRP-related site.

How does one join?

Interested CPs are required to join our discord (https://discord.gg/g48PSA7) and apply in the #member_applications channel. If you don't have Discord, you are missing out and should get it here: https://discordapp.com/download . Do note, we require very little to join us other than a passion for Policing and a teeny tiny drop of maturity. The information in the application (as seen below) is just for us to get to know what kind of person you are and if you are competent enough of a CP to represent TheDD Police Group. You're 99% likely to get accepted if you put some effort into it.


Basic Info


In-Game Name:

Steam Name:

Steam ID/Profile:

Hours on Gmod:


Personal Info


How often are you Active as CP?

Are you interested in Police IRL?

Why do you like playing as CP?

Why do you want to Join TheDD?

How many hours can you be active per week?

What other Groups/Gangs have you been in?

Have you read and understand our policies?





1. You are on Patrol and hear money printer sounds coming from nearby, what do you do and why?



2. You see a subject walking around with an illegal firearm in Public, what do you do and why?



3. You notice a CP helping a criminal/committing crimes, what do you do and why?



4. You find a subject who is suspected of murdering another citizen, what do you do and why?



5. You pass someone on the street and later find out that they have a bounty, what do you do and why?


Disclaimer: While there are definitely very incorrect and very correct answers, they will be judged mostly on effort, not on how proper your exact knowledge of the topic is, so just do your best. If you need assistance filling out an application form due to medical issues or other special needs, please contact @Officers to assist you with it. In some cases we can do a verbal application to accommodate you.




Be Civil.

TheDD isn't a place for you to flame around. Treat others with respect and try to resolve internal conflicts in a peaceful manner. In extreme cases, such as harassment and sharing personal information when you don't have a person's consent, expulsions may be delivered.


 Respect the server's rules

Being in TheDD doesn't mean you're exempt from the server's rule. Follow it like you normally would.


 Follow the Punishment Policy!

It is the most important thing that any officer must know and if you don't follow it, you will be demoted or even kicked from the gang, no question asked


 Don't abuse your power

I can't stress this enough. DON'T ABUSE YOUR POWER!!!! This includes using your position as an Officer to threaten to kick a fellow member for malicious reasons(i.e you don't like him) Being an officer is about helping the gang, not being entitled to special treatment and think you're superior than everyone. You aren't.


 Report who you recruited or kicked in the #membership_changes section of the Discord

Remember to follow the pinned format. All kicks that are not reported in Discord will be deemed invalid and the kicked member will be reinvited if they wish to be



Don't Do Staff's Job For Them

Officers are simply that, officers. They are not staff, they don't enforce the server rules, they are just there to invite and lead people in RP situations, and also kick when really necessary. When a member broke a server's rule, PLEASE don't feel the need to add insult to injury and kick them out of the gang. They probably already got a slap on the wrist by staffs. People makes mistakes. That's what makes people, people. Remember that TheDD is a gang filled with people, and they will make mistakes that is either intentional or unintentional.

Only kick for serious offenses listed below

>Continuous harassment of gangmates

>Intentionally Targeting gangmates for kidnaps or KOSing them for crimes when not CP

>Revealing personal information of gangmates without their permission

>Serious rule breaking such as mass rdm, trying to crash the server, you get the idea

>Permabanned members

>Other offenses that are not listed here that can be interpreted as serious




TheDD's view on gang relations is one of cooperation and peace. We strive to make new allies and our objective overall is to keep a stable Downtown. However, this doesn't mean that we're

avoiding conflict. If problems escalate and can't be solved with diplomatic means, we're ready to be defend downtown to those that threaten the safety of the people.

To request an alliance, one can simply PM me, reply to this thread, or post on TheDD's Discord.




TheDD has a pretty lenient attitude about leaving/resigning. You aren't "binded" to TheDD the moment you join it and you can leave whenever you feel like. You won't be exiled like what other gangs do and are free to return whenever you want. However, Officers who leave TheDD and come back after a long period(1 month+) may need to start over as a member, and returning members will need to reapply. Anyone who left TheDD to join any hostile gang that is tracked by TheDD are subject to instant Application Denial, despite any credentials or history they may have, for Security purposes.




Bill Cosby, Pigergast, Mentor Peanut Butter, Kamala Gekido

Executive Officer:




















Perks and Benefits

Perks are the same throughout all gangs and can be checked ingame with !gangmenu, talents however are unique to each gangs. Our gang focuses on cop talents to give cops the most advantage against criminals

Experienced Cop: Cuffing is instant now

Free One: You spawn with a Sledgehammer, Healing Mist Grenade, and Non Lethal Grenade

Slow Down: Your non-lethal pistol slows for 90% more and hits 50% more and 50% longer

Instant Backup: Instantly teleport to a cop who needs backup, or a random cop if none. (5 Minute Cooldown)

Steel Grade Cuffs: Cuffs cannot be broken out of unless time expires

Down But Not Out:When you take just enough fatal damage, you will be put into the wounded state to revive

Mascot of TheDD


Hailey Mathers Paige (2009-Present)



Our discord link is https://discord.gg/xsKHDZf

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