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Disappearing Gun Stands

UrBaN BoMbEr

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For the 3rd time now, when I go to place my gun stand on the corner near the fountain, it disappears. Unfortunately, this ONLY happens when it is loaded with 40-80 guns! This morning's "poof" (was a lighter load of 40 guns and) lost like $200k in it!


How to reproduce:

It does not do it every time... It seems if you hit the rail that goes around the fountain area or the curb it does it occasionally.


Priority: (High, Medium, Low)

It is probably LOW, but as the gun dealer who sells more guns than anyone, it has cost me nearly $1M, so I would rate it higher.

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Most the servers I've been on don't have as low a tolerance to props clipping through the ground... Even some that you could straight precision props into the ground and leave small pieces exposed (I'm guessing it was still there when pushed all the way through the ground).


I have not had any actual props disappear, only gun stands/entity shelves and the guns in them!

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is an issue with the map and not anything we could fix right now. I will add this to a list of things to fix for a future map update.

Your props despawns near walls to prevent prop abuse. Generally placing it off of a sidewalk and not completely against the ground will help.

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