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Is this fair?

Wilhelm Panderino

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In the real world, when does a home burglar have a level playing field with an armed home owner? They have to enter a place they are not familiar with, and try to surprise someone who knows the place and with surveillance/alarms, probably knows where the burglars are...


But back to RP:

There was a guy on-server yesterday making the complete opposite argument! That players that base have no chance against the OP raiders...


I base on the daily and have to say the advantage is to the raider. I can sit by any shooting port in my base and watch the door get blown off and a string if explosives come in without the raider having to walk through the door. I may shoot them, but not before all my props closest to the door are blown up.

Mat grenades / explosives come out of a processor,  and a few can be bought for a lot less than C4, so the cost is probably equal to gun they are raiding with.


One way props are no more unfair than using a camera. I have been questioned by a mod for a 1 way prop they thought could be shot through (it could not), so staff are on the lookout for unfair bases.


And from a playing aspect, how much easier should it be to take someone's loot? We already have to best stocked VIPs /CCs farming 20 processors and 40 printers at a time, that they have taken from 75% of the players gutsy/dumb enough to spawn them! 


Leave the raiding system alone.

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How would you even restrict this? Are you going to make it to were u have to have at least a 5 space gap? As Piklas said If this small gap is not made correctly then the raider can just find a blind spot in the base and start blow torching or use it for cover. Raiding is too easy right now. All you have to do is buy c4 for 50k and chuck them in the base with your grav gun. They cant shoot them out and when it comes down to killing them just throw another in. Why make raiding more OP?

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I think that the base building rules could be refined although having money for raiding materials has nothing to do with shit, if somebody is too new to afford it then they need to play more and its how the server was meant to be?


In one hour of farming I could gather the materials to craft sufficient raiding entities.

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