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Does calling hits on someone count as harassment?

Very Strong Boy

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Definition of Harassment: If someone is abusing, insulting, or otherwise harming you on a regular basis


So yes repeatedly calling hits on the same person would be harassment because you are harming them on a regular basis.

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Def not a perma ban but a week sure. Harassment is hard to determine but the statement from muffin above or redoing the same RP relation over and over on the same person is also seen as harassment.

Constantly kidnapping the same person, not giving him the box so he has to wait the full time, then comes out of spawn with like a 60 second cooldown untill he can get kidnapped again and the kidnapper already trying to kidnap him again and succeeding multiple times.

Raiding the same person every 20 minutes on the dot.

Forcedropping the same person on a daily basis.

Following a person around nonstop and being E warned, killing the person that's E warning, getting into a sit about it etc..

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