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Titsrp about us

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Just a list of the old about us sections

February 15th, 2016

TitsRP is a Garry's Mod DarkRP server that opened up in August 2014. We have a very supportive community and focus on making the game fun and enjoyable for everyone. The game should not be about paying for the most overpowered weapon or getting to endgame content instantly just by paying. The owner Sugar Tits, has put just about 3000 hours into the server and everything that makes it what it is today. Read more

November 7th, 2016

TitsRP is a DarkRP server that eats small children. Every wednesday night we send emails to Billy Bob's grandmother telling her how much we love Satan and how our great Lord of Fire will rise once more to take back what was ours. Hail Satan.

July 2nd to current day

TitsRP is a DarkRP server where small children are welcome. We feast on their screaming obscenities, high pitched voices and enthusiatic energy when they get RDMed. Each day, we use this energy from the great feast to slowly bring back our Lord of Fire. They call him the father of lies, the spirit that worketh in the children of disobedience, our firey brethren, Satan.

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