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Look at this GAY SHIT TF (Headglitch)


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Description: Shoot things when people can't even see you (fucked up hitbox)


How to reproduce: If you eat a borgoer that makes you big then stand behind something at an angle (example in the 

) you can shoot things without even being seen 


Priority: High


Incase clicking on the word vid doesnt work use this: https://youtu.be/_gRUYNAtkU8

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Yep people including staff have been using this model and its not the first time I've notified them that this is broken yet they keep using it and its still for sale. idk.


It’s not just the model. The growth and mini food POV change does not revert after your model changes back to original size. It’s super annoying and has been reported already. The model POV itself doesn’t effect this exploit because it’s not about the initial POV level it’s about the end POV and the model reverting back but not the pov.

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The yoshi itself has a broken hitbox to where it aims like a normal model but is small. If people are found abusing the yoshi model like this knowingly it will be dealt with by the current staff team online and then maybe later by the upper staff team. If people abuse the bug on food to where it doesn't revert unless you change models then it will be dealt with by the current staff team online.

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