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'Ello from Nao!

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hecklo to whomever reads this! I'm Nao (Nay-o) I've played quite often on the server as of late so I thought I should introduce myself.

I pull no bullshit in saying I plan to become an admin/moderator some day after I've played long enough, but for now I will earn my hours and get to know all the regulars on the server. I've been in a number of Garry's Mod related forums and I'm excited to meet a lot of new people in this one!


A few facts about me:

Master Stalker is my favorite class

I procrastinate on the daily

My favorite color is purple

I adore anime (Tokyo Ghoul is my favorite.)

I enjoy Indie music


I've spent a little too much time on this post but if you have anymore questions about me or what I'm about; P.M me, ask in game, or drop a comment!

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Glad to see you here! You are surprisingly sneaky by the way. Enjoy your stay on TitsRp!


I pride myself in being sneaky-beaky-like, and I will enjoy my stay thank you!

hecko! I've stopped using my custom class ever since I earned 4.8 million, now I only play as the hobo lord! I hope you have fun on TitsRP!


That's crazy I only recently made it to 200k, but once you have some money it's a lot easier to make more. You're probably the richest hobo.

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