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Pig Job


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The name is what the job is. You are Booper the Pig and you run around the map making squealing noises with your pig squeal swep (Sounds provided generously by Booper The Scooper). The purpose of this job would be to remove plants and such from farm areas. To do this the player would click the plants with the pig squeal swep. The job cannot raid, and does much of the same thing as Pet jobs but they can remove plants in unowned buildings/buildings they own.


Model: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1134119336&searchtext=Pig



Weird Job Ruleset: You are Booper the Pig and you run around the map making squealing noises and removing leftover plants from unowned bases.



Pig Squeal


Gameplay Tips

1. Run around looking for unowned farm areas and remove the plants with your pig squeal

2. Annoy players with your pig Squeal


This would totally fixthe problem of having random crops show up everywhere on the m ap


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I like the idea, however I don't think it should be named "Booper the pig". I don't think we should name a job after a person on the server. Especially if that person is known for resigning a lot.



The job could be named "The Pig" or "Squealer The Pig"


The name is what the job is. You are Booper the Pig and you run around the map making squealing noises with your pig squeal swep (Sounds provided generously by Booper The Scooper). The purpose of this job would be to remove plants and such from farm areas. To do this the player would click the plants with the pig squeal swep. The job cannot raid, and does much of the same thing as Pet jobs but they can remove plants in unowned buildings/buildings they own.


Model: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1134119336&searchtext=Pig



Weird Job Ruleset: You are Booper the Pig and you run around the map making squealing noises and removing leftover plants from unowned bases.



Pig Squeal


Gameplay Tips

1. Run around looking for unowned farm areas and remove the plants with your pig squeal

2. Annoy players with your pig Squeal


I like this idea, but maybe raiding should be allowed only to go after farming props, anyways I like this idea so +1




"Stars, hide your fires; let not light see my black and deep desires." - Macbeth

The reason I say no raiding is because it is a small model that would be used for the Pig, and you wouldn't really be able to know if someone had farming entities in their base or not in some cases. It would just cause more headache than it is worth. Also the job is supposed to just clean up the server's plants that aren't being used and annoy people.


I forgot to say this but there should be three slots on the job.

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