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Back from Christmas... Here is another nightmare


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Ok,first of all the 1st dream with the sex lab / Allysa some what is fake. But the one where me and Senpai Kush make a strip club. It was fucking real (I watched myself die). Ok this one is called Pepe's Spree. So first off I wanna kill people. So I grab a sword, go to school and then my mom stopped me. We went home. She said " drop the sword" . So I do. Next day I grab the sword, my mom is behind me with a gun like object. I run to the bathroom. Im cornered by my mom. She fires! It shoots out a big fucking glob of Jam. "The fuck"? I said with a sexy grin. Then after that I go to bed. Next day, My dad is next to a toilet breathing heavily , on the ground were 3 skulls 2 dead dogs 1 half of a sword. HOE HOE HOE he listed these items and told me it.


Then he tells me " If you go take a shower I will fucking kill you" breathing heavily.........

By then my dream world says Fuck that ! Thats fucking dark (Me in this dream



I woke up scared in my bed at 6 AM and my sanity meter was low. I think everything around me is scary. I called my bed that night the Insanity Bed.


Fucking scared.


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