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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Timezone

  1. How does one jailbreak without lockpicking at least 1 door? :o Are you supposed to get lucky or hope all the door and the cells are unlocked? Coming up through the sewers requires breaking 2 vents, do those count as breaking through a prop? I can see trying to RP your way in there and whipping out an unarrest baton if the cop isnt wise enough and opens the doors for you. It could very well just be my lack of understanding as I am still relatively new. I'm not looking to nitpick or anything but I'll fully admit that I have gone into the PD through the sewers, picked the cells, and unarrested people when police were reeeally cracking down. Should I have adverted a raid since I was lockpicking/broke vents and would I only be allowed in the PD for the duration of the raid timer? I know this is starting to stray from the original topic but I sincerely appreciate everyone's time and response. There are a lot of rules and they're really solid but it is a lot to take in and there are small nuances that can stir up some trouble. Regardless, I would like to hear some more peoples opinion on the original topic. <3
  2. Aah, I see. So under this rule "The following 2 actions are allowed without adverting PD raid, so long as you do not engage anyone without them engaging you first (or warning them properly): Jail-breaking and Hackers hacking any of the PD panels, including the one in the Mayor's office. Anything involving breaking through a prop or a fading door is not allowed under this rule and will be considering PD raiding without an advert." Does breaking through a prop/fading door include lockpicking world entities like PD Doors?
  3. hecko everyone, Warren here. Since I joined the server I've always wondered why Police are allowed to just kill prisoners en-mass. I understand that the prisoners dont actually lose anything and its more of a slight annoyance for the prisoner than an actual problem for the server. However, I feel like this should only be allowed if it's made legal by a mayor. This would add some good RP reasoning behind it. I also don't see anywhere in the rules that jailed prisoners can be killed repeatedly. Maybe I missed it or maybe its something thats not explicitly written down. As the rules stand - Normally without a mayor being past the second doors in the PD is considered AOS. You do not have to advert a PD raid if you go in without harming an officer. So if someone wanted to infiltrate the jails and act as a prisoner to either hack or release other prisoners they stand a chance of being rdmed by an officer who is under the impression that they can walk into the jail cells and mow down anyone in it with no laws or discrimination between actual convicted prisoners and someone actively committing a crime (Trespassing). I feel like if we just make it so that only the Mayor can make jail cells KOS as a law things would be a little better. *Preparing for the "Don't get arrested then." comments*
  4. Ooooh, I love this Idea a lot. I dont hate the current shelves but on busy days the streets and spawn tunnels turn into sloppy bazaars. I feel like this could encourage more people to set up shops and provide a richer RP experience than slapping down a shelf on the sidewalk for passive income. +1 -Warren
  5. So now here's where I'm a little bit more confused. Maybe It's just me that needs to read over the rules again or learn what exactly sky-basing is but - Since having a Skybase is specifically notated as an override-able rule by the King, can I not build a legal base tucked in the top-left of the skybox even if it does follow all the other basing rules? I understand it does not specifically say "You cannot have a base that requires special tools/prop climb. It must be raid-able by a single person using a lock-pick and/or keypad-cracker." but it does state that Skybasing, prop climb, and prop surf can be overridden. Would the base itself be considered illegal if it requires special tools/prop climb? If so, what's the propclimb/surf and skybase override for? I don't plan on doing this, especially since I got a confirmed no from Walter here, but I still feel that some clarification would help me and future staff/players. I dont think the rule needs to changed or anything, especially since there are staff members that have a clear understanding of what the rules in place are supposed to encourage/prevent but a little revision on the wording itself might help :)
  6. Yeah I can absolutely see where the confusion can come into play. The fact that "The King cannot override... Basing Rules..." but "The King can override... Propclimb... Propsurfing, Skybasing" is confusing in itself. Can the King make a skybase that you can only access by propsurfing to it if the base itself is within basing rules? If so, catch me playing/basing as King more often xD I do think that a bit of clarification would go a long way both for the staff that have to take these sits and the players that like to really prod at the rules.
  7. I do think it's reasonable to extend the timer on a Mayor demotion. This is a pretty good suggestion in my opinion. This would give the Mayor better control over their police force.
  8. Alright, this is a good deal to break down but I appreciate the response. So I'm looking over the rules and I'm not seeing that quote. Maybe I'm missing it, please let me know if I am. All im seeing are - - DO trade at your own discretion and do your research. Being scammed 1 Mil or more DakrRP cash or any amount of IRL money or Suga Dollars is subject to review and punishment. Ask for a staff witness if you are unsure of a transaction - DO NOT scam Custom Class content (including slots & perms) - Selling guns in your gun stand for outrageous prices with the sole intent of either scamming noobs or catching people off guard who happen to misclick your gun stand is not allowed. - If a player has been gone for 30 consecutive days from the server without prior notification, you can revoke their custom class permanent slot without being subject to the scamming rule. It is highly recommended that you record their gametracker (Recommended method is via screenshot) at the time of revocation to prevent future issues. And I absolutely agree with 3/4 of these rules. The first one is the one that I'm making the suggestion about. No, I don't think it's reasonable that an admin could be called for every transaction. I feel like that would sincerely hamper things for everyone. However, I believe staff do also have the tools to quickly verify if someone was scammed or not. Honestly you could have stopped here, Walter, because I do see where the issue lies. Either this rule exists and staff can breathe or it's stripped and staff can be called 2x more often than they already are. I think the problem is that I didn't really suggest a replacement for the rule. I don't want admin to be swamped. I dont want players to be scammed. Here's my suggestion and feel free to reject it.- DO trade at your own discretion and do your research. Being scammed any amount of DakrRP cash or any amount of IRL money or Suga Dollars is subject to review and punishment. Ask for a staff witness if you are unsure of a transaction over a million dollars. I feel like updating it to that would do a few things. - As the rule currently stands, staff are encouraged to be called on transactions over a million dollars. That will not change with my suggestion. - This change still makes it incumbent on the player to be responsible and cautious with their transactions. - This also officially makes scamming against the server rules. Players are expected to show screencaps or recordings for other offenses. Why not make this one of them to help unload staff burden? - Players who respect the rules will just stop scamming. I really dont think this change will put an extreme amount of pressure on staff. I'm well aware of what role playing is, this is honestly just condescending. I'm not a child and I've also been playing Gmod for a while, although not as much as you. People who scam don't always roleplay. Yup. But that doesn't add anything to the point. Im not avoiding that point at all. I thought it went without saying that scamming angers the victims, but I guess next time I'll be sure to make it very plain. I never said new players should be braindead. I never said new players should apply no sense. It pisses people off. I completely agree with you. Common sense should be applied to transactions made. However, I feel that the rule encourages people to take advantage of people who genuinely dont know better. Just because some people are 1000iq players doesn't mean that every person on the server applies the same level of judgement and scrutiny to an in game trade. And I see that the point that you guys are making is that they absolutely should be cautious with trades. That's completely fair. It's incorrect of me to say it has no RP value. You can absolutely RP a scam and it could be a fun thing to do if that's what you're into. I know this is a long post but there was a lot to unpack. Again, I appreciate everyone's participation. I'm not here for a fight and so far everyone has been, for the most part, very civil. I am entirely prepared to accept that my viewpoint is not shared or reflected in the community, and that's okay. The whole point of this is to make a suggestion that I feel might make the server a better place for more people. :) - Warren
  9. I do want to reiterate my point on the rep system. If I -rep a scammer they can -rep me back. Over time I will also have a lot of -rep which will lead to me looking like a sketchy trader. This is a serious flaw in the rep system that is being overlooked in my opinion. Also, I want to reiterate that my point is being made for new players. People who aren't regulars or arent the wiser are going to be turned away from something like this. I feel like this matter should be taken into better consideration and dismissing it by just saying It's the victims fault for being scammed and ignoring it and moving on doesn't really provide a viewpoint nor built on it. I'm personally a little taken aback that this much staff is backing this and want to point out that just because it's a rule that's written down, doesn't mean it's right and that's what I'm ultimately trying to drive at. What does scamming add to the server in terms of fun or growth. Again, I understand it happens in real life. A lot happens in real life that are against the rules.
  10. That's a fair point, I see where you're coming from. If you take a real life situation and apply it to this it does make sense. I can neither go to the police station nor file a realistic lawsuit if I sell heroin and someone didn't pay me. However people are being scammed for in-game items that dont exist in real life. I do understand that 1mil is not a lot of in-game money. I'm just trying to make a point for people that are new to the server who might not know how to go about making good money nor have 1 mil to their name. I've seen new players get excited just receiving 50k. Another point to be made is that just because it can occur in real life, doesnt mean it has to occur in a game. In real life people can say the N word all day and night and be protected by the first amendment (In the U.S) but we don't allow that in the server. This is less about the amount of money and more about the principal of the matter, and that is, in my opinion, that scamming adds no real RP value and discourages new players from having a good time. Edit: I also believe that the rep system doesn't help very much. If I -rep a scammer, they can -rep me back. And then I'm the one that will eventually have 10 -reps and I'll the one that looks sketchy in future transactions. It doesn't help at all.
  11. Hi! Warren here. I've noticed recently that people have been getting away with scamming and after reading the motd have found that it's not only acceptable, but people can technically get away with scamming over a million dollars due to the looseness of the rule. It states.- "DO trade at your own discretion and do your research. Being scammed 1 Mil or more DakrRP cash or any amount of IRL money or Suga Dollars is subject to review and punishment. Ask for a staff witness if you are unsure of a transaction" I think the intention of this rule is to alleviate pressure on moderators who shouldnt have to answer to sits for every transaction that goes on in the server. However, the logs do show how much money someone has and has spent at any given point. I am not sure what other logs moderators and administrators have access to and I don't want to make assumptions. I want this to be an open discussion on this topic. My view is that scamming should be a bannable offense at any scale. I don't believe it adds to RP and encourages toxicity. I also dont think it's reasonable, both for the admin and the player, that an admin should be expected to be called for every transaction over a million dollars. This also is extremely discouraging to new players who hop on the server to have a good time only to be scammed by someone and start their time at TitsRP broke and on the wrong foot. I've genuinely tried looking at any good side to scamming and I cant reasonably justify any reason for it. Maybe some of you out there will clarify why this is accepted and backed by rules. Again, I appreciate everyone who is taking the time to read over this and have an actual discussion as to whether or not this is something that should be allowed. I really enjoy this server and the people in it and have tried hard to avoid getting on people's bad side. Thank you all! - Warren
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