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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by VoN

  1. Job works as following You start off as an extremely small humanoid headcrab model with no weapons/access to inventory, except a 'Crab Bite' that does miniscule damage the smaller you are As time goes by, you progressively grow in size, the biggest crab in the server is announced 'Headcrab Queen'. The bigger you are as queen, the more money a users receives from killing you, and more damage you do with your crab bite swep. Being killed depending on your size whilst queen could vary from 20k-200k You'd be able to form an army of crabs in whatever location you desire, and form empires.. Edit: Adding on, the larger you are as queen, the more health you have aswell; making you harder to kill. Playermodel: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=165892572&searchtext=headcrab+playermodel
  2. Create a weird job based off the Cockroach model that was added into the supporter model pool. Possible abilities would be to lay minion eggs in form of the cockroach playermodel, and have it your goal to infest users bases by spreading cockroach eggs [or some shit] Forcing other users into the cockroach model by 'infection' would be kind of funny aswell.
  3. color me sensitive but I don't want to hear shitting sounds for 15-30 seconds straight sounds funny tho
  4. Yeah I agree with pretty much everything you've said, Though, my point stands when I say it doesn't have to always be this way, hence the suggestion. If people find it annoying such as myself, I feel like maybe atleast it can be altered at some point. But if they truly hate small models THIS much, I guess it's yelling into a void lmfao. Suggestion was worth a shot nonetheless Your point was "get good", while Makoto actually gave proper points and reasoning as to why it's this way. You're being toxic for the sake of being toxic, which is your whole personality. No wonder you lasted a week or so as mod lmao Wouldn't really say mad, it's just that every post you make is useless as shit. Get a better hobby bro..
  5. Bro what? Your argument to my entire suggestion was "get good" literally shut the fuck up you clownazoid LOL. no wonder nobody likes you
  6. if you lack the brain capacity to debate.. don't bother replying at all :")
  7. "get good" you mean when I'm talking to someone having fun, and being insta-killed? What moment in that situation requires skill of getting away? You should really stop having such a shallow mindset and see the issue from my perspective rather than being bias. Lmfao. You know there's a problem when you can't roleplay as a small model in any way whatsoever when you're spawn killed by myers/reaper
  8. I can argue that it gives reapers/myers an advantage of spawn killing people with small models because we're lower than 30hp by default. It happens to me constantly and it's just frustrating as I can't really do anything about it. I think it's a good idea to make it so if small models don't have max hp, they can be killed
  9. no, most small models have legit below 10hp lmao. just turn it off for cc models when it's our max hp.
  10. As title says, I'm pretty tired of being spam-killed by myers/grim reaper because I wear a small model most of the time to dick around.
  11. you can't be even slightly positive on a server full of toxic people
  12. jokes aside.. the disable gambling button should be better.. especially when the command to unblock it is so easily available lmfao
  13. I don't think I should elaborate on this one. It's creates nothing but drama, and this community endorses gambling! If this keeps up, I'm gonna go coinflip all of my money in real life!! It's come to a point where every time I receive money from a commission, I stare at my balance and ponder the opportunity of potentially doubling it if I just dumped it all into an online gambling site. It's all because of TitsRP's toxic gambling system! I whole-heartedly believe if we had these abilities stripped away from us, we would be regain our sanity over time. And whoever disagrees with this suggestion, has been utterly brainwashed. Please help us! Remove coinflipping!
  14. VoN

    I'm back folks!

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